Paramount Around the World (1931)

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Page 20 Be hi nd t he Sci ree n in PEGGY SHANNON, ROGERS IN “SECOND CHANCES” Pl'.GGY SHANNON has hceii assigned w i t h Charles “Buddy” Rogers to head an all star cast in “Second I'hances,” Paramount’s forthcoming picture version of a play by Lewis Beach. Charlie Ruggles, ■||1H|<I.V’ Ii.,avr.s Richard Bennett, and Marjorie Gate,son are the other featured players. The story of “Second Chances” is one of parents who dedicate their lives to an effort to supply their children's every want, and IMis-, Shannon and Rogers will enact roles of young people whose selfishness brings their parents to near disaster. Frank Tuttle will direct the picture from a screen treatment by Henry Myers. M. C. LEVEE ASSUMES THE PRESIDENCY OF A. M. P. A. S. M. C. LEVEL, executive manager of the Paramount West Coast studios, will officially assume the presidential chair at the next meeting of the board of directors of the Academy of Alotion Picture .\rts and Sciences. As president for the ensuing year, he will preside at the annual Academ\' .Awards Dinner on November 1(1, when the leaders of the industry turn out en masse to 1)allot on the 19,11 honor awards. Levee was elected tn the post on (Jetober 21st after four years as treasurer of the motion picture or.ganization. Conrad Nagel was reelected vice-president; Fred Nihlo remains as secretary; Frank Lloyd was chosen treasurer; Clinton Wunder was re-elected executice vice-president, and Lester Cowan continues as executive secretary. Directors are Frank Capra, Max Reed, AI. C. Levee, Benjamin Glazer and Conrad Nagel. Mr. Levee began his film career sixteen years ag(j as a property hoy at the Fox studios, receiving $2(1 a week. M'ithin a c'ear he had become an assistant to Abe Carlos, general superintendent <.>f the Fox studios. Early in 1917 he left Fo.x to become business manager at the Robert Brunton .‘studio, the first commercial motion picture studio in the industry. Three years later a syndicate, headed by Mr. Levee, Joseph M. Schenck and others, purchased Brunton’s interest in these studios and organized Plnited Studios with Levee as President. Lnited Studios were sold by Air. Levee and his associates to Paramount in .April, 1926. And in 1929 Levee joined Paramount in the position he now holds. JAPANESE SHIP MODEL USED IN NEW PICTURE! S7.V FEET LONG— WORTH $5,000! This rcuiartablc ship model, lohich Gcoryc Bancroft is adminiu/, zoas used as a “prof" in his iieze film, “Rich Man's I'olly." .S'i.r feel loiui. Tallied at 55,000. it is complete e-Tcii to miniature deck chairs, tiny oars in the lifeboats and' almost iiiL'isiblc radio connections. It is a model of the “Talsuta Maru" of the Nippon i'lisen Kaisha lines. SCION OF BARRYMORE FAMILY BEGINS SCREEN CAREER WITH PARAMOUNT— KNOWN AS SAM COLT S j AAIL'EL BARRVAIORE COLT, ■e am Barrv nephew of John and Licmt more, has launched a screen career by signing for a role in a picture at the Paramount Hollywood studios under the name of Sam Colt. The 21-year-old scion of the family of actors and member of the third generation c)f Barrymores, was selected h}’ Dorothy .Arzner for the part of a fastliving young New A'orkei in “Working (jirls. ” Young Colt, who came to Hollywood recently and has been living by himself in a modest apartment, revealed that he is determined upon a career in pictures, “upon merit ahjne, without family influence, or capitalizing the family .Sam (oK name in any shape, manner or form,” “Studio work is intensely interesting and I am very anxious to succeed,” said Colt. “I realize I am a neophyte, just getting my sea legs, but I hope to prove my ability in the profession. I intend to follow'.” Colt, educated at Brown LTiiversity, is a Bariw'y ^ more in appearance, w'ellbuilt and slender, with classic features and the unmistakable family profile. He has had some stage ex])erience. Three years ago he played in a stock company at Rochester, N. Y., under the direction of George Cukor, now' a Paramount director, using the name of Samuel Blythe, the original family name of his grandfather, Alaurice Barrymore. KAY FRANCIS ENTERTAINS ROYALTY! Kay Traneis shoze.s Friiice bz'asti of .Siam a strip of film from her current picture, “Girls About Tozen,” white the Princess and their tzoo si>ns look on Douglas Fairbanks ion the extreme left) escorted the royal parly through the Paramount stiichos zoherc they zcatched Miss Francis and other players at zcork. The Prince admitted that he zoas an ardent mozde fan. Si NEW FILM RECALLS MISS TASHMAN FROM VACATION N N O U N C E A! ENT has been made that Lilyan Tashman has Ireeii recalled from her European vacation and noev is aboard ship en route to New A’ork where she will play an important role in "Her Confession,” to be oroduced with Claudette Colbert and under direction of Berthold Viertcl. The date for the beginning of l)roduction of “Her Confession” has been advanced to the first week in November when Aliss Colbert will be back in New' York follow'ing her vacation in Hollyw'ood and \Wlliam Boyd also w'ill be here after completing his role in “The False Aladonna.” J.ilyaii'rasliiiiaii William Boyd FILM AUDIENCES TO HEAR MARCH’S HEART BEAT ^I'^HE beat of the human heart 1 has been recorded for the first time for reproduction by a talking motion picture. This new' sound effect was procured in Paramount’s Hollywood studios by Rouben Alamoulian, directing Fredric Alarch in a scene for “Dr. Jekyll and A'lr. Hyde.” A microphone, held over Alarch’s heart, caught the "boom boom” of the heart beat and recorded the sound on film. The sound, reproduced when the picture is screened, will lie about as loud to an audience as the heart beat heard by a physician listening through a stethoscope. Alamoulian uses this novel sound effect in showing Alarch’s transition from the personality of Jekyll into tliat of Flvde. BURNS AND ALLEN SIGN ONE-YEAR CONTRACT / VR-'^CE ALLEN and George \ I Burns, who have scored successes in vaudeville and in screen comedies under the team name of Burns and Allen, have signed a one-year contract to appear exclusively for Paramount. Under the contract. Burns and Allen are to appear in both short comedies and features and also are available for personal appearances in Pul.ilix Theatres. Among current one-reel comedies starring the comedians are “One Hundred Percent Service” and “Oh, Aly Operation.” COOPER SAILS FOR ITALY! f t ARY COOPER, who has been \ X. endeavoring to rest in New York since recently completing his co-starring role with Claudette Colbert in “His Woman,” at Paramount’s East Coast studio, sailed October 23 in the Augustus for Italy' w'here he plans to remain until recalled to Hollywood for his next picture assignment.