Paramount Around the World (1931)

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Page 4 A FIGHTING FINISH! Spain Out in Front — Does Biggest Business in History Holland, France in Neck-and-Neck Race— 10 Over Quota Sound the Bugle for 1932— The Odds Arc in Your Favor 1931 contest is ciuling in a traditional blaze of 1 glory and with a characteristic hurst of speed on the part of the Foreign Legion as a whole. There is conclusive evidence that the majority of the divisions are e.xerting extra effort for the final push o\'er the top. hhis month there are ten offices over 100% as against four last month, and the chances for at least half a dozen others to reach quota b\ Decemher 31 are exceedinglv bright. Again Spain is out in front, leading the held by a wide margin. And why not? .Messeri’s “Matadors” smashed all records and hit a new all-time high in gross revenue for the past four weeks. After such a spectacular performance, can there he anv doubt that the “Matadors” have the will to win and the hghting power to back it up r Another contender that deserves a couple of lioclis for its remarkable showing in November is Germany. Tver since General Manager Gus Schaefer established Paramount’s own exchanges in that territory, his organization has been hitting on all sixteen cylinders. Bravo! P e e r e b o o m ' s s t u r d \' Dutchmen showed their mettle by catapulting from tenth to second, so it is easy to see that all is not quiet on the Holland front. Those legionnaires are whooping things up! But the border line between second and third this month is so thin that the sale of an extra couple of one sheets would have put France ahead of Holland. As it is, Souhami’s “(jalloping Gauls” hurdled from ninth to third, and the last we heard of them they were still going strong! Down in Central America, Colombia is the gem of Harry Novak's division, going from hfteenth to eighth; and over in Central Piurope, Austria staged a putsch that advanced those boys from twenty-first to fifteenth. Nor are we overlooking the fact that Aboaf’s “Romans” spurted trom eleventh to seventh via a healthy increase in business. Insofar as the yearly standings are concerned, we promise you there will be no delay in announcing the winner next month. But since all the figures aren’t ready yet, it was deemed advisable not to publish any standings. We know who is the leading contender for Mr. Zukor’s gold-and-si Iver trophy, but of course, we won’t know who will win it until the December figures are all in. Now that this year has come to its historic and hectic close, the natural c]uestion arises: what will the new year bring? 1932 for 1931! If you wish, you may view the figures 2 for 1 as symbolical. Certainly the odds are all in your favor to make 1932 a prosperous one for Paramount and for yourselves. You have only to read over carefully the first three pages of this issue to be thoroughly convinced that a new day, a new era, a new policy has dawned in the production of Paramount pictures. Backed by a grade-A lineup of certified successes, you can sound the bugle for 1932 with courage and confidence. It is in that spirit of faith and enthusiasm that we extend to you, on behalf of all your Home Office co-workers, the season’s greetings for a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New '\Tar! STANDINGS AS OF DECEMBER L 1931 Fourth Quarter 1. SPAIN over 100% 2. HOLLAND bb 3. FRANCE bb 4. PORTO RICO bb bb (;ermany %% bb 6. GREAT BRITAIN bb bb 7. ITALY bb bb 8. COLOMBIA <*b bb 9. LATVIA bb bb 10. JAPAN bb bb 1 1. ARGENTINA over 90% 12. CZECHOSLOVAKIA over 80% 13. POLAND bb bb 14. SCANDINAVIA bb bb 1.3. AUSTRIA bb bb 16. (;UATEMALA bb bb 17. BRAZIL bb bb 18. FINLAND bb bb 19. MEXICO • b bb 20. CHILE bb bb 21. HUNGARY over 70% 22. PANAMA bb bb 2.3! AUSTRALASIA bb bb 24. YU(;OSLAVIA bb bb 2.3. ROUMANIA u inler 70% 26. CUBA bb bb 27. CHINA bb bb