Paramount and Artcraft Press Books (1918)

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MAIL CAMPAIGN Letter Suggested for the Exploitation of **Maggie Pepper” Date Dear Miss Little: Ethel Clayton comes here next in her latest Paramount picture, "Maggie Pepper," based upon the famous play by the late Charles Klein, who went down on the Lusitania. Rose Stahl appeared in the stage version of the play and made one of the greatest hits of her career in it. We are confident that Miss Clayton will duplicate on the screen the success Miss Stahl achieved on the stage. Maggie is a department store girl with more than the usual amount of difficulties. At the same time, however, she has more than the usual amount of pluck. Pepper is her last name, and probably Ginger is her middle name. Playing opposite Miss Clayton is Elliott Dexter. And as if that weren't enough, Winifred Greenwood, Tully Marshall and Raymond Hatton also appear in the cast. Yours sincerely. Manager. ....... Post Cards suggested for the Elxploitation of **Maggie Pepper” Date Dear Miss Little ; Ethel Clayton comes here next . . . . in her latest Paramount picture, "Maggie Pepper," made from Charles Klein's famous play. Others in the cast with her are Elliott Dexter, Winifred Greenwood, Tully Marshall and Raymond Hatton. Sound good? It is I Yours sincerely. Manager Date Dear Miss Little : One of the most popular of Charles Klein's plays was, as you know. Pepper. " The story is of the plucky department store girl has been transferred to the screen for Etel Clayton's latest Paramount picture. Here today! It is well worth your while. Yours sincerely. Manager. ....... 19