Paramount International News (1932)

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ifJlrotuul Page 5 (paramauateers in the " P U R E LY PERSO NAL'' Mews of the Month, PARAMOUNT ANNOUNCES KENT’S RESIGNATION, SCHAEFER’S PROMOTION, COHEN’S ELECTION— UNGER, WAITE APPOINTED— KEOUGH UEGAL HEAD Austin C. Keoufili rPH£ fol^ lowing official statement was issued on January 20: Adolph Zukor, President of Paramount Publix Corporation, announced today that Mr. Sidney R. Kent had presented his resignation as Vice President and Director of the Company, and that it had been accepted by his associates and the Company with deep regret. Confirming his resignation, S. R. Kent, said: "I regret deeply leaving Paramount after fourteen years of continuous effort. I shall take a brief vacation and announce my plans at a later date. In parting I wish Paramount every success, and I hope to be able to play a constructive part in the future of the industry." On January 21 this official communique was issued: Paramount Publix Corporation announced today that Mr. Emanuel Cohen, who has been associated with the Company for the last five years in its production activities, had been elected a Director of the Company and a Vice President. It was also announced that George J. Schaefer had been appointed Sales Manager succeeding Sidney R. Kent. Mr. Schaefer has been associated with the Company in its sales department for twelve years, and for the last six years has been eastern sales manager. On January 23, Mr. Schaefer announced the appointments of J. J. Unger and Stanley J. J. Unger B. Waite to lit SI II 114 I ColKMI the posts of Division Managers of the eastern sales division, which has been divided into two parts. Mr. Unger, who was district manager of the New York and New Jersey territory, has been with the Paramount sales organization for eight years. He joined the company in 1924 as branch manager of the combined New York and Brooklyn exchange. Mr. Waite came to Paramount in 1927 as sales manager of short features and Paramount News. Previous to that time he held various sales positions with Pathe. Austin C. K eo ugh , head of the Publix Legal Department since 1925, has been named to suc ceed Elek Stanley B. Waite John Ludvigh, who was for many years general counsel of Paramount Publix. Mr. Ludvigh resigned from the organiza ° George J. Seliaefer tion several weeks ago to return to private practice. Mr. Keough has been associated with Paramount since 1919 when he entered the legal department of Famous Players Lasky Corp., continuing his activities during the expansion of that organization into its present form. When Publix Theatres Corp. was organized in 1925, he was made head of its legal department. James C. Bolger, for many years affiliated with the real estate departments of national retail concerns, has been named to succeed the late Theodore C. Young as head of Paramount's real estate department. Zukor’s Birthday — Visitors Arrive — //. O. Mourns Young ADOLPH ZUKOR celebrated his 59th birthday on January 7. From his host of friends in the company and in the industry, Mr. Zukor received many congratulatory messages. On behalf of the Foreign Legion, PARAMOUNT AROUND THE world swells the chorus of congratulations. We wish him many happy returns of the day and many more years of abounding good health. Robert T. Kane OME Office arrivals during January included visitors from London, Paris, Tokyo and Hollywood. John Cecil Graham, managing director for Great Britain and general foreign representative; Robert T. Kane, general manager of the Joinville studios; and Fred Bacos, Joinville studio manager, arrived in the S. S. Bremen, January 14, on their annual visit. Members of the Home Office foreign department extended a cordial welcome to Yoshihico Tamura, who returned, after an absence of nine months in Tokyo, to supervise the editing and superimposing of Japanese titles. Joseph Krumgold, foreign department representative in the Hollywood studios, arrived for Home Office conferences. This is his first visit to the Crossroads of the World since he joined Paramount about a year ago. Alert, youthful, friendly, Joe shoulders his arduous duties as contact man with diplomatic affability. He was able, of course, to give us a Adolph Zukor first-hand report of the tremendous activity with which the studio is seething in preparation for next season's impressive array of product. * * * rT is with profound regret that we report the sudden death of Theodore C. Young, head of the real estate departm e n t at Home Office, early on the morning of January 2nd. His associates mourn his loss deeply. John C. Graham