Paramount International News (1932)

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Page 6 (paramount Jnlentational Qlews DR AMATIC "SIGN OF THE CROSS” EXPLOITATION IN AUSTRALIA W1™ recollections of the marvelous exploitation done on “The Ten Commandments” many years ago still ringing in their ears, the Australian Blue Ribbon Legionnaires, under the inspired guidance of Managing Director William J. Clark determined that all records would topple before the onslaught of “The Sign of the Cross”. He mustered his super-exploiteers headed by the Director of Exploitation, John E. Kennebeck, and called for a campaign which would dazzle the nation. He didn’t have to call very long. First major stunt evolved was the plan for sending the actual chariot ridden by Fredric March in the picture on the 500-mile overland route between Sydney and Melbourne. Preceded by a modern chariot — an automobile — bearing Exploiteer Tom Wm. J. Clark White, as advance agent, interviewing mayors and town councillors, this cavalcade traversed the country, making scores of sensational town stops to terrific publicity, and finishing up in Melbourne at the end of three weeks of tumultuous journeying before a crowd numbering tens of thousands. In that city, Len Peuleve, in charge of publicity and advertsing at Paramount’s Capitol Theatre, was responsible for the terrific reception. The whole campaign stirred the entire country, and yet this stunt was but one of many scores promoted by the untiring efforts of those Blue Ribboneers of Australia. Later will come equally inspiring reports from Stanley N. Craig and Frank Kennebeck in New Zealand ; from John A. Groves, Andre and Olsen and S. G. Robinson in Java; and Paul Verdayne in the Straits Settlements, all of whom eat exploitation for breakfast every morning, practice it all day long, and dream of it through the tropic nights. Paramount es aim la A Paramount e ainda a primera en la cinema primeira na Cinemato tografia. grafia. THE BULLDOG DIVISION’S DAZZLING EXPLOITEER In London the millions who know Paramount s Carlton and Plaza Theatres as the hubs of cinema activity, know these facts because of the exploitation par-excellence which has been introduced in their behalf by John Armstrong, director general of advertising and publicity for Paramount’s theatres in Great Britain anti Ireland. We have seen many examples of Mr. Armstrong’s indefatigable work and can readily understand his confidence in the British film public’s appreciation of the Paramount Trade Mark. This symbol, and the line indicating “A Paramount Picture” are never overlooked from any piece of advertising and publiicty by Mr. Armstrong, whom we have pictured at Paramount. SIAMOR1TORNATIAIBUONO che v’appartiene, ed e per questo che ..... . . , ij^rrvT ! abbiamo bisogno, desideriamo e vi TEMPI DELLA PARAMOUNT ch;ediamo notizie di voi, vostre nuove, (continued from Page 5) ed ancora notizie di voi! “Wings”; la pellicola di Chevalier,’ Se desiderate sfidare qualche territo“A Bedtime Story”, e zeppa di musica, rio particolare, mandated il vostro biggrazia ed ingegno. liett0 dl vlslta colla sflda ! faremo not „ , , da patrini in questo duello amichevole. Pure continuando ad essere la mas 1 sima entita in materia cinematografica, Dopo piu d un anno d assenza, la non ci accontentiamo coll’ essere in tes Paramount, assieme alle altre maggtor ta all’ industria, ma ci vogliamo avan zare sempre di piu in piu. Josef von Sternberg dirigera due pellicole della Dietrich per la nuova stagione. I Fratelli Marx contribuiranno anche loro un’ altro film al prossimo programma Paramount. Non vi dimenticate d’usare quanto piu possibile la marca della Paramount ; nel nuovo ordine delle cose faremo uso piu frequente d’un simbolo cosi valoroso, cosi pure del lemma “Se e un film Paramount, e il migliore del programma”. “Paramount International News” che apparra mensilmente, vi sara spedito con tutta regolarita come nel passato quando si pubblicava “Paramount Around the World”. Non dimenticate JAPAN’S MAGNIFICENT PUBLICITY GES TUBE WITH “MADAME BUTTERFLY” PROPS CONTRIBUTES TO FILM'S SUCCESS compagnie di distribuzione, ritorna in Yugoslavia. Il Sig. M. G. Jordan si e dichiarato contentissimo di cio, ed il suo entusiasmo ci fa credere ch’ egli ed i suoi marcheranno un passo di marcia cosi forte, che gli altri territori dovranno fare grandi sforzi per non restare indietro. Questo e lo spirito che ci rende invincibili. E la prova che siamo ritornati ai buoni tempi. Che stupendi risultati che potremmo dare di “Il Segno della Croce”, solo la mancanza di spazio ce lo impedisce ; e senza dubbio l’esito del 1933. Vi assicuriamo d’una maniera categorica che “The Song of Songs” e il colmo delle produzioni Dietrich. Se incontrate delle difficolta nel leggere i messaggi originali dei sigg, Shauer e Hicks, non tardate a farli tradurre al piu presto possibile. Sono d’un importanza enorme per voi, e ne deriverete abbondante stimolo. Sarete convinti piu che mai che la Paramount e la piu grande e la piu solida delle compagnie cinematografiche. When Tom D. Cochrane and J. W. Piper, those two super-smart Paramounteers of the Rising Sun territory, got their first glimpse of the Japanese superimposed version of “Madame Butterfly,” they sent the speediest cable yet to cross the Pacific voicing their demand for a consignment of actual studio props used in the making of “Madame Butterfly.” The studio was only too happy to accede to this request and within a few days a fast passenger steamer was carrying a number of big crates across the Pacific to Tokyo. Every piece of material was authentic and had been used in the picture and when Messrs. Cochrane and Piper opened the crates they let out several whoops of joy. The material was subsequently divided between several of the largest department stores in Tokyo where it was not only used in the windows (as in the Mitsukoshi Store, depicted above) but also inside the stores in the form of gallery displays. Subsequently the material was routed through the country along with the picture and has been largely responsible for the terrific success of the picture. In conformity with the request from the studio, the material has since been returned to Hollywood. Nel prossimo numero pubblicheremo altre novita e nel frattempo chiudiamo colla certezza che la riapparizione della vostra rivista Paramount sara per voi un motivo di soddisfazione. OES RESPONSIBLE FOR EXCELLENT PUBLICITY Several times a month the Scandinavian mail brings to our desk a large and weighty package of Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish magazines and newspapers. This printed matter contains some of the most effective Paramount publicity stories and picture placements that we encounter in any part of the world and the bulk of it is due to the splendid publicity work done by Ingvald C. Oes. We wish all of those involved in this work to know that this material after passing the rounds in Home Office, goes on out to Hollywood where it is inspected with great interest.