Paramount International News (1935)

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Page 2 Published on the first of ez'ery month from the Paramount Building at the Crossroads of the World in A' I’ll' York City, C. S. A. Published, moreoz'er, in the interests of Paramount Legionnaires the zeorld over, for the exfress furf'ose of ferpetuating in tangible form that magnifieeni spirit of unselfisiniess and dezvtion zvhich is the pride of our organization and the envy of the industry. Edited by .llbert Deane. V<»l. a .lamiary, No. 1. OUR MOST PRICELESS POSSESSION # Never for an instant should zee lose sight of the z'alue of the Paramount Trade Mark. ff Paramounteers in all parts of thezeorld hazr strizm mightily in order that our Trade Mark shall he the pre-eminent of all film emblems. # Cse it zeherez'er your heart tells you it belongs, for zeithout it no Paramount message is complete. NEXT MONTH Xexl inuiith wc give you the result (if the International Contest which concluded on the last minute of 1934. A near a]i|)roximati(jTi of the results appears on the oi)]>usite jiage hut you never can tell what may hapjien at the last minute . . . . . . -Any more than you can tell at this instant just what the amazingly thrilling news is that we will have for liberal splashing o\er all of the jiages of next month’s issue. .AIj.SO. .Next nuiiith we will give .you in detail some insights into (’uba’s Parainoiint VV'eek. Sjiaee eoinpelled us to limit our news on this important event this month. (parwtumdJiitermdiottalQlews THE STALWART SIX OF EARLY '35 Mr. Hicks Designates Six Productions Which Will (Hve New Year Marvelous Initial Impetus LI\ ES OF A HENGAE LANCER K I M B A KUtdiLES OF RED (iAP ALL THE KlNtCS HORSES WAIKIKI WEDDINt; CARNIVAL IN SPAIN TOP P()W: ".III the K ijig’s J I orscs," zeith Carl Brissoii; "Carnival in .Spain," zeith Marlene Dietrich and "Rumba." zeith Ceorge Raft, Carole Lombard and Margo. BOTTOM Roll': "Liz'cs of a Bengal Lancer,’’ zeith Cary Cooper and a grand cast ; "Ruggles of Red Gap," zeith Charles Laughton, Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland, Roland Young, Zasu Pitts; "Waikiki W edding” , zeith Kitty Carlisle. There are lots of ways of saying “Happy New Year," hut we Itelieve that Ylr. Hieks hit upon one of the happiest <»f them all when he tlesignated a rotintl half dozen pietures as “The Stalwart Six td Early M.!." Here is a se.xtette of films which any other major film eompany would he hotindlessly happy to have as the highlights for an entire year; we get them, along with a hnneh of other splendid films, and the whole aggregaticni eonstitutes just a fraction of Paramount's yearly output for 193.5. In their wake will come other inarveL ous productions: hut for the present w<“ are eoneerned with these six as the Keynot«’rs for the early months of this great new vear. lict’.s jus( anal.\y.e ( si\ and see what we get from them! Iil\ KS OK liK.\(;.\Iv Eli is one of the mightiest productions the Paramount Tra(ie .Mark has been on in many years. It has great spectacle, nerve w hi|>idng adventure*, color, glamour, sparkle. It has a superlative cast headed by (iary Cooper, Sir Guy Standing, Franchot Tone, ttichard Crom well, Colin 'I'ajdey, Kathleen Uui'lve and nian.e others. It is, in short, a cinch for world (list riliiition. Itl’.MIl.A has everything (hat “Itolero” ha<i, and a great deal more. It has (ieorge Uaft and Carole Lombard, hut it also lias the magic of .Margo, that rhythmic Spanish singer and dancei'. It is abundantly furnished with music, dancing and a fine air of su.spense. It is niacie to order for internatioiial (list rihnt ion if ever a film was. m (Un.ES ()l KEI) (i.AI' is first of all Charles Laughton, with the great English actor I'evelling in (hat gusty brand of comedy he pla,\e(i so magnific(‘nt l> in “'I’he Prixate l.ife of Henry the Eighth.” .\n(l not onl> is he (he fiinmaker, hut he has admirahle company in the I'orms of Charles Itiiggles, .Mar.\ Itoland, /aSii Kitts ami man.^ others. .And there is a (iramatic recitation of a c(‘r(ain famous speech hy Ivaiighton (hat is going to stand out as a milestone in all (he'history of talking jiictures. It is a magnificent, soul-stirring jiiece of work. .AI.L THE KINti’S HOUSES is anotiier film made to order for world distribution. In every .sense it is a film made in the spirit of (Continued on page 3) Miss Your Breakfast! Miss Your Train! But Don't Miss Pages 8 and 9!