Paramount Pep (1922)

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Paramount Pep fourteen Lois Doing at West Coast All Units Exceedingly Busy on Coming Productions By Shirk Thomas Meighan is hack from Chicago to start work in Cecil B. DeMille’s “Manslaughter.” While in the Windy City Tom took a print of “The Bachelor Daddy” out to the Crippled Children’s Hospital and it was exhibited for the benefit of the kiddies. That they were made happy thereby goes without saying. Mr. Meighan, who was accompanied by Mrs. Meighan and Alfred Green, the director, went down to George Ade’s farm at Brooke, Ind., where the first print of ‘Our Leading Citizen” was shown to the author. This was Ade’s first original screen story, which he wrote expressly for Meighan. lie was delighted with it. They sat down and re-edited it, revised some of the titles, and it is now as near “Ade” as it could be made. Frank E. Woods, who with Perley Poore Sheehan is writing the adaptation of “The Old Homestead” for us, says the picture will have a universal theme and be one of the biggest pictures ever made from every point of view. Theodore Roberts should make a wonderful Uncle Joshua and T. Roy Barnes as Happy Jack will be perfect. Fritzi Ridgeway plays Rickety Ann. Others to he announced later. James Cruze is to direct and the supervision is by Walter Woods. Julien Josephson will do the continuity. The tremendous story is being written around the original plot of which the characters and sentiment are being retained intact. Nita Naldi has returned to New York after completing her part in “Blood and Sand,” which is a Fred Niblo production. Rudolph V^alentino is star and Lila Lee has the feminine leading role of Carmen. Jerome Beatty has returned to New York after a busy month at the Lasky Studio. Rodolph Valentino goes to San Francisco May 5th to appear at the mammoth benefit to be given by the Mayor’s Citizen Committee to raise funds to help entertain the disabled veterans at the Convention June 26-30 of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War. Mr. Valentino will be escorted by a squadron of cavalry and prominent officials to the hotel and will be royally welcomed. Wallace Reid is getting ready to start “The Ghost Breaker” under Alfred Green’s direction. Lila Lee will be his lead. It’s going to be a corking melodrama with all kinds of thrill and much romance. Jack Cunningham is the adaptor. Luidoubtedly built to fit the psychology of the incorrigible bargain hunter is “Borderland,” a new Agnes Ayres picture which is now in production. Not only are there two complete plots for the price of one but there are two leading men, two “villains,” two cute little “kiddies” — and the star plays three distinct parts 1 “Borderland” was written by Beulah Marie Dix, author of a number of stage and cinema successes, and is said to make excellent dramatic use of the fanciful features of the supernatural. Paul Powell, directing the production, claims for it the same appeal possessed by such stage successes a “The Return of Peter Grimm” and “Peter Pan.” Betty Compson is expected back shortly from location where she is finishing up Albert Shelby LeVino’s “The Bonded Woman’’ under Philip Rosen’s direction. She will then start work with Bert Lytell in the picture, “To Have and To Hold,” adapted by Ouida Bergere and produced by George Fitzmaurice. Theodore Kosloff plays Lord Carnal in the picture. Penrhyn Stanlaws is getting ready for “Pink Gods,” liis next production. Bcbe Daniels, James Kirkwood, Anna Q. Nilsson, Raymond Hatton, and Adolphe Menjou are part of a colossal cast. J. E. Nash and Sonya Levien are the adaptors. (Continued on next page. 2d Col.) To Have and to Hold Who wouldn’t love to hold her, says Rodolph Valentino. And guess who she is? Bebe Daniels’ little cousin. The other two young ladies are Lois Wilson and Bebe Daniels. I trust in Nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time. 1 trust in God, — the right shall be the right and other than the wrong, while He endures. I trust in my own soul, that can perceive the outward and the inward, — Nature's good and God’s. — Browning. i Bargain Picture is “Borderland”