Paramount Pep (1923)

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Paramount Pep 5 New Haven Nutmeg Gratings By Russell Moon Mr. John Tierney has been confined to his home with an attack of old man La Grippe for the past week, which has now developed into Tonsilitis. Misfortune never travels singly, John. “When Knighthood Was in Flower” has played in seven key cities in the last two weeks to record houses. The entire personnel of the New Haven Exchange mourns the loss of Wally Reid, who was beloved by all. In fact, the entire State of Connecticut feels his passing greatly. The Fine Arts Theatre, in Westport, is playing "Across the Continent,” at a “Reid” memorial performance. Mr. John Powers, our Branch Manager, made a flying trip through Zones 1 and 2 selling the “39” and “Knighthood” in key points, this week. Cold Weather Salesman William H. Erbb, Salesman out of our Portland, Maine, office, travels the snow-laden country and enjoys it. The above photo of Mr. Erbb was taken in front of the Star Theatre in Bar Harbor, Me. The exhibitor says that he did not have to shovel all of the snow that you see piled up here, due to the fact that he runs Paramount Pictures and most of it was trampled down by the crowds going to the theatre. The smile on Erbb’s face is due to the fact that he just closed a contract for the famous Forty-one. Ricketson’s Triumph Rick Ricketson, Denver Exploiteer, has just added more laurels to his already heavy crown through the exploitation of “Knighthood” in Denver. Rick has engineered some wonderful campaigns but this one stands as the most masterful of them all in every particular. Here we show the book float he had on the streets all day long for ten days. The book measured 10^4 feet high and electric bells were played inside. If you think this is good you ought to see the pictures of his many other stunts which space unfortunately does not permit us to publish. Rick transformed the front of the Princess Theatre into the facade and entrance of a castle. This was a masterpiece. The ushers were costumed and the interior was decorated to conform for which thousands of dollars of draperies were loaned by the leading stores. The Willys-Knight Motor Co. staged a big parade of new cars carrying banners tying up with the picture. Representatives of this company were present from all Denver territory key cities and will arrange similar parades in their towns. Windows galore were tied up but only with chain store organizations so as to secure the most displays and the best locations. Every window was a work of art, some displaying miniature castles with cut-outs of the “Knighthood" characters. Restaurants either had special menu cards printed or attached announcement slips. Altogether this was probably the most extensive, beautiful and effective exploitation campaign Denver has ever seen and the results at the box office thoroughly justified the efforts and expense. We salute Rick, as well as Mr. Homer Ellison of the Princess, who made it all possible. Another Daddy Jack Farrell, who watches the destinies of our stock room at the Home Office, became a daddy last monday, when a seven-pound baby boy put in its appearance at the Farrell household. We hasten to congratulate the Farrells.