Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1927)

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Paramount-Pep Club Constitution — (Continued from Page 20) one year or until their successors are elected and installed. The active officers shall be exofficio members of the Board of Governors. Section 4. The standing committees shall be Athletic, Entertainment, Finance, Membership, Welfare, and Educational Committees. The Board of Governors may abolish any standing committees or create new committees. Section 5. The Chairman of each Committee shall be appointed by the President, and the members of each Committee shall be appointed and may be removed by their respective chairmen, such appointment or removal of Committee members by the Chairman to become effective when confirmed by the Board of Governors. ARTICLE V. Duties of the Board of Governors Section 1. The Board of Governors shall hold regular meetings wihout notice at least once a month on a date fixed by the Board, and may hold special meetings on one day’s notice at the call of the Chairman or a majority of the Board. Four members thereof shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. The Board of Governors shall elect a Chairman who shall preside at all meetings and the Secretary of the Club shall keep the minutes thereof. They shall also elect a Vice-Chairman who shall perform the duties of the Chairman during the absence or incapacity of the latter. They shall submit a report of the affairs of the Club at each annual meeting of members, together with the expenditures of the previous year and a budget of the expenses for the coming year. Section 3. The Board of Governors shall have power to open accounts of deposit with banks for the funds of the Club and to authorize the signatories thereto. ARTICLE VI. Duties of Officers Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall be ex officio a member of all standing and special committees. Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the latter. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors and shall be the custodian of all documents of the Club, except those otherwise provided for. The Secretary shall also give proper notification of all regular and special meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors. The Secretary may appoint an assistant. Section 4. (a) The Treasurer shall receive all membership dues and other moneys paid into the treasury and maintain an accurate detailed account of all funds received and expended. All funds in the custody of the Treasurer in excess of a petty cash account not exceeding twenty-five dollars, belonging to the Club, shall be deposited with a bank or banks in New York City designated by the Board of Governors for the account of Paramount-Pep Club, Inc. (b) The Treasurer shall render a report at the annual meeting of the Club and at such other times as the President or Board of Governors may direct. The accounts of the Treasury shall be subject to audit at any time by the Finance Committee. Section 5. All funds, books of record, documents and other property of the Club in possession or under control of any officers, shall be transferred and delivered by such officers at the expiration of their term of office to their successors in office. ARTICLE VII. Duties of Committees Section 1. The duties of the various committees, with the exception of the Finance Committee, shall be outlined by the President to the respective Committee Chairmen, and all action taken by all committees shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Governors. Section 2. The Finance Committee, each quarter, shall audit the accounts of all standing and special committees having use or custody of funds, and shall investigate and determine the committees whose records shall be audited. Each officer of the Club, each member of the Board of Governors, and the chairman of each committee whose records are audited, shall receive a copy of this audit report. Section 3. Each committee shall at least once every three months submit to both the Chairman of the Board of Governors and the President, a written report of their activities as well as their receipts and expenditures for the period. The number of members of each committe shall be fixed by the Board of Governors upon the recommendation of the President. ARTICLE VIII. Nominations and Elections The President shall at the July meeting, appoint a Nominating Committee of five members to select candidates to fill the places of the retiring Officers and Governors. This Committee shall within thirty days after its appointment post on the bulletin boards the names of its nominees. This committee shall nominate one or more candidates for each vacancy and the committee is authorized to receive recommendations regarding the qualifications of any person for office. Upon the written petition of seventy-five or more members any person may be nominated for office, provided that the petition be filed with the Nominating Committee within two weeks after the names of the nominees selected by the committee have been posted, and the names of the additional Paramount-Pep Club Constitution — Continued on Next Page. PEP-O-GRAMS Page Twenty-one