Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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Page Tii'o of Pep-O-Grams P E P O G R A M S l lie Spirit oi the organizations of Paranionnt Famous Lasky Corporation ami Pul)lix Theatres Corporation. Edited by Albert Deane Associate editors: Henry Goldberg, George Rogers Art Editors: Ray Fremantle, Saul Schiavone Official Photographer: Lewis F. Nathan Contributing editors: Every nieinber of the ParamountPep Club, whether moved or not by the spirit to write. Pep-O-Grains is /'iiblislied by and for the members of the Paramount-Pep Club on the first of every calendar month at the Paramount Building, Times Square, N'evj York City. Volume 5, Number 1 November 13, 1928 ELEVATOR ETIQUETTE One point at zvhieh zee are very palpably at close quarters personally zvith a public zvhieh knozi’s us as members of an organisation, is zvhen zue travel in the elevators of the Paramount Building. Then, os alivays, zve are consciously or unconsciously on trial; and it means that as zve shall be judged, so shall Paramount and Piiblix be judged. Il’c zvrite in this strain here because there is apparent a tendency zvhen asking for one’s floor to tack the cvcr-necessary “Please” onto the request, ll'c note it nozv simply as a tendency; but have every hope that before very long it shall have become a general and pleasingly permanent habit. But also do zve note that there is a grozving tendency on the part of some readers of this magazine to engage the elevator attendants in conversation. This is not so good: in fact it is doivnright bad, a deterrent to service, a lack of courtesy not only to our ozvn organization but to the other tenants of the Paramount Building. It can be said here zvith a marked degree of certainty that the fault lies not zvith the attendants. Their conversation is limited by rule to the concise and courteous “Floors, please!” at the start of the ascent. Any speech other than this is zoning from them zvith difficulty and consequent embarrassment. Please make their tasks lighter by refraining from addressing to them any other remark than the simple designation of your destination. WELFARE WORK Whenever the mood is on you — and it should be fairly often — turn to pages 30 and 31 of last month’s issue of Pep-O-Grams and absorb once more the details of the zvonderful zvelfarc work zvhieh Dr. Emanuel Stern’s department is doing for the entire organization. Dr. Stern has just returned from his customary semi-an nual Z'isit to the Paramount Studio in Hollyzvood. zvhere lus department is administered to such effect as to make our studio the safest and healthiest institution of its kind and size in the entire motion picture industry. SOUND THINKING At no lime zvithin the history of cither the Paramount or Publi.r organizations has the Z'cry atmosphere of industrial activity been so charged zvith the spirit of szvift and striking progress changes. Oz’crtaking in almost overzvhelming fashion, the steady onzvard march of our organizations zvith silent motion pictures, the mighty nezv phase of sound and dialogue pictures has literally altered the entire face of things. A nezv order prevails throughout the film industry: minds must be szviftly and surely adapted to it, and the organization zvith the minds best capable of effectively making the change in the shortest possible span of time are the ones zvhieh zvill emerge on top. Thus in almost the tzvinkling of an eye Pepsters have been offered the grandest opportunity of their lives for shozving their mental mettle. Every minute — every hour — there is .nvift call being made for the fcllozv zvhose intelligence is alert, zvhose zvits arc functioning in practical fashion, to accept some nezv and finer responsibility. The posts arc many because the nezv order of things has caused many changes : hut the good posts are the ones that arc being offered first, and the ones zvho are getting them are the ones zvho arc ready for them. There isn’t anything zvith less of a premium nr a ta.r on it than intelligent thinking for your Organization's good. And there’s no better investment ! The good that your Organization gets nut of your unselfish thinking pays diz'idends to you that are manyfold greater than any hank pays for cash deposited. And right thinking nozv, along the lines of sound and dialogue picture advancements zvithin the motion picture industry — and especially insofar as they concern the good of Paramount and Publi.v, zvill pay you, in advancement and general personal satisfaction, far and azvuy the greatest and mo.zt lasting dividends you have ever knozvn from any investment.