Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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Page Three of Pep-O-Grams GAY DINNER DANCE USHERS IN NEW ADMINISTRATION Comiiiencement of New Club Year at Astor is Happy Augury Many triumphal years of the Pa’-amount-Pep Club’s activities have had their commencement in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Astor: hut it seems to be pretty emphatically the new'S of the day that the greatest of all the years to date is the one which started in with the Inaugural Dinner of October 18th last. The event itself was splendidly managed and sujjerbly staged, its execution and its results reflecting the greatest credit upon all concerned. A record attendance of Club members were genuinely thrilled by the presence of the chief executives of the Paramount organization, chief among them being Mr. Zukor and Messrs. Jesse L. Lasky, S. R. Kent and E. E. Shauer. An unexpected and delightful guest of honor was Paramount’s newest international star, Maurice Chevalier, whose smile seems fair to rank as the most popular in all filmdom. Early in the evening the Club went about its business of transferring the custody of the Club’s destiny from one administration to another. Thus under the able, humorous and wholly delightful chairmanship of A. M. Botsford, President-elect Judge Frawley received from ex-President Vincent Trotta the leadership of the Club; and transfer of the Vice Presidency was made to Edward A. Brown from Joseph Sweeney. In similar fashion — and amid the continued sincere plaudits which had greeted every other an TIRELESS ENERGY CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS Ha-c’ing siriz'cn so strenuously in the interests of the sueeess of the Inaugural Dinner, it is easily to be conceived zohy not even such a matter as a serious personal illness could keep Louis S. Diamond, chairman of the Entertainment Committee away from attending to the final details on October 18th. This is one of the major reasons zvhy the function zvas so outstandingly a success, and the Club certainly owes “Lou" a grand vote of thanks. And in passing these thanks we must not forget Sally ll’allon, secretary to Mr. Diamond, zvho kept track of all that zvas being done and sazv that the myriad details were not overlooked. ncuncement — the new governors and chairmen of the various committees were announced and introduced. Later came addresses from the Company’s chief executives, each one being prefaced by a typically Botsfordian introduction. Mingled with these were brief addresses by such of the ex-Presidents of the Club as were present. These included Messrs. Harry Nadel, Joseph McLoughlin and Palmer Hall Stilson. Absentee messages were read from Eugene J. Zukor, who was out in the Middle West, and Melville A. Shauer, Paramount’s special representative in Europe. The evening was rounded out by the (Continued on Page Six) g We Can Always Be Greater g g You have alwa3'S known the Paramount-Pep Club to be great and S g fine and progressively attuned to serving the interests of you, its mem m g bers. You have always felt that it is something fine to belong to, some S g thing splendid to talk about to your friends and yonr relatives. ■ g But nothing is so fine that it cannot be finer — so great that it cannot | g be greater — so inspiring that it cannot become a greater inspiration. M g And so you are going to find that, superb as has been the achievement B g record of the Paramount-Pep Club in the past, the year upon which it is m g now embarked will witness its scaling to the heights of new and more M g stirring accomplishments. | g As yet you know but a small chapter of the plans of the new Admin M g istration. Week by week and month by month, new and thrilling vistas B g of meritorious innovations will open up before you. So start Chinking 1 g about your Club in a bigger way, with a broader vision — for already it ■ g is a Bigger Club. g