Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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Page Two of Pe[)-0-Gr(nns P E P O G R A M S J he Spirit of the organizations of Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation and Piihlix Theatres Corporation. Edited by Albert Deane Associate editors: Henry Goldberg, George Rogers Art Editors: Ray Fremantle, Saul Schiavone Official Photographer: Lewis F. Nathan Contributing editors: Every member of the ParamountPep Club, whether moved or not 1)y the spirit to write. Pep-0-Granis is published by and for the members of the Paramount-Pep Club on the first of every calendar month at the Paramount Building, Times Square, Nezo York City. Volume 5, Number 2 December 1, 1928 The Red Cross The superb reaction of the members of tlie Paramount-Pep Club to the Red Cross Appeal is nothing Init a reflection of the spirit which continuously animates this Club. The team of wonder-workers, captained by a Pepster skilled in the faculty of gathering cash in the l)est of causes, thus Irrought a twofold result: it poured a golden stream into the worthy coffers of the Red Cross, and it brought us once more face to face with the genuine qualit}of sentiment which actuates, at the outset, our every belief and every action. *** Christmas Seals Put them on every letter and every package you send out during December. Just try and imagine that every seal you use means one hundred breaths of God’s pure air to some stricken human. Try and look at the situation from the other side of the fence. Christmas Seals are more than colored strips of adhesive paper; they are passports to the peace of better health, and they are the cheapest and finest passports it is within your power to buy. Use them liberally, and affix every one with a happy thought in your mind! *** Entertainment Great plans are in the offing! You are going to be entertained this year as never before. Stirring projects for the winter, snappy project for the spring, and peppy projects for the summer! Something new every month, and the events of the year will be done in fashions far more differently than has been the case in previous years. Your share in these plans is simply that you provide yourself consistently with the frame of mind which will permit you to most adequately enjoy the actual events when they come along. Meanwhile, just conjure to your mind the men who are heading your entertainment committee and gain from that review some idea of the quality and merit of the entertainment they will be providing for you. Sii])lime Tribute “The House That Shadows Built” is a biography Ijy W'ill Irwin. It is also the life story of our beloved Honorary President, Adolph Zukor, and it parallels this story with the rise of the motion picture industry, showing not only the greatness of Mr. Zukor as a man and as a leader, but also the immortal truth that it was he who led the industry up from its lowly beginning to its present height of world importance. The book is a supremely inspiring piece of reading, and it is tinged throughout with items of news and interest which are personal matters of fact with all of us. No Pepster should allow this book to pass unread, if for no other fact than that it takes its name from the very edifice in which we all work and carve out our destinies — The Paramount Building — “The House That Shadows Built.” *** Cooperative Buying We have devoted some space in this issue to urging you to make full use of your Cooperative Buying Committee. This I)unch of ever-willing workers are devoting a tremendous amount of their own time and energy towards effecting savings and short cuts for your purses and pockets. They are worthy of your attentions as well as your praise, for whether you make use of their offers or not they have still to put in just about the same amount of work. You slioidd not really require any urging to avail yourself of their services, for some of the reductions which they are able to effect make the power of Aladdin's lamp fade away by comparison. *** News Items The standard of news items contributed to this issue is the highest it has been in years. Pithy facts, apparently free from malice or sting, concisely stated. Here’s hoping — and believing — the good work will continue.