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Page Seven of Pep-O-Grams
GOVERNORS OF CLUB ELECT CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN At the special meeting of the othcers of the ParamountPep Cluh on December 14th.
Joseph P. McLoughlin was elected Chairman of the Board of Governors and Vincent Trotta was appointed Vice-Chairman. The meeting Joseph p. McLoughlin held uiider the Honorary
Chairmanship of Eugene J. Zukor, who for several years has held this esteemed post; and retains it for 1928-29.
Several very vital matters of business were discussed at the meeting, details of which will be found in other columns.
Our Honorary President Will Address Us on January 8tli
The Club Members are advised, with considerable editorial pride, that they will have the privilege of hearing in person from Mr. Adolph Zukor, President of Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation, and Honorary President of the Paramount-Pep Club, at the general meeting of the Club to be held on the eleventh floor at noon on Tuesday, January 8th.
Mr. Zukor, who has been taking a mighty well-earned rest in California during the past four or five weeks, will have returned to New York a few days prior to the 8th, and will be more than pleased to address you on the subject of “Our Organization.”
This opportunity is taken of conveying to Mr. Jesse L. Lasky, Vice President of Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation, and Honorary Vice President of the Paramount Pep Clul), the thanks of the entire Cluh memhership for the truh' inspiring and enlightening address on sound and talking pictures which he delivered to them on December 11th last.
A figure that we’re mighty hapi:y to see around the Paramount Building these days is Melville A. Shauer, special representative of the foreign department in Europe, and equally renowned as a past president of the Para
mount-Pep Club. He is in New York with his wife and their young son for several weeks prior to returning to Paris.
John W . Hicks, Jnr., managing director of Paramount’s Interests in Australia, New Zealand, Java, .Straits Settlements, Federated Malay .States, .Siam and all of those other fascinating, sweet-scented, romantic lands of the Far East, is \isiting New York for a few weeks. He also has his wife and their young son with him.
Fred W. Lange, who is in charge of Paramount’s interests in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, is paying his annual winter \isit to the Crossroads of the World.
E. J. Lipow, special representative of Paramount in Poland, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania ( This is certainly a pretty good geography lesson for you Paramounteers, provided you liother to find out where these places are), is also in New York for a few weeks.
Ida VN'olf, whose likeness we are more than happy to reproduce here, ran aw'ay with all established records for Red Cross collections when she iiersonally lured into the coffers of the “Croix Rouge” the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, or almost fifty percent, of the total collections. Furthermore, Miss Wolf alone and individually eclipsed by ,$29 the total amount amassed in the collection of last year.
•Vs an added item of news we are of course ha])py to add that the sum of seven hundred dollars collected by Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation was easily the best collection made by any of the motion picture organizations.