Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ I STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER1 I THE PAST PRESIDENTS SA Y: | iii!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ By EUGENE J. ZUKOR One of my most poignant regrets as I boarded the “Olympic” late last month ton this business visit to Europe was the fact that I would miss the October Inaugural Dinner and the installation of the new officers. But as neither time, tide nor the expansion of our Paramount organization stand still for no man, I will, on the evening of October 17th, be present in person one side of the Atlantic Ocean while my heart and my thoughts will be on the other side. This fact is at once symbolical not only of the growth of Paramount and Publix, but also of the growth of the Paramount-Pep Club, which is itself the human interest symbol of the sentimental side of both those organizations. There was a time at the beginning of the Club’s history, where the movements of an individual could influence the Club’s policies and routine events, just as there was a time in the early Eug-ene Zukor days of Paramount, when the absence or the presence of one in 1921-22 dividual could make all the difference in the world. But times have changed; both the Organization of the Company and the Organization of the Club have moved forward with giant strides. Neither has lost those priceless attributes of humanness and sentiment which have been their very foundation stones; neither has faltered in a steady progression to greater and finer things and both have grown to national and international proportions. It is with this allusion that I pay my humble tribute to' the Paramount Pep Club as it stands today, and to those men and women’ in its ranks who have participated in its upbuilding since thati first memorable year of its inception. You have a great Club — the finest of its kind in the world — and my regret at not being present at the 1929 Inaugural Dinner is something which can never adequateh' be put into words. By MELVILLE A. SHAUER In this big world we usually' look to the future for progress. But all progress to be secure must be tinctured and tempered with the foundations of the past. The outer structure must change to keep pace. Often the very walls of the past must be uprooted and changed to the finer and better te.xture of the new order of things. The Pep Club organization of five' y'ears ago would not be adequate today. But the spirit that went into that organization is what made its growth possible, and sent it surging^ ahead to new and increasing triumphs. And so, as one of your past presidents I would like to renew the tribute 1 paid during my term to the courage and sincerity of the Pepsters who carried the banner way back in the old days. That hosts of them are still marching forward with us into THE NEW SHOW WORLD is evidence delu.xe of the solidarity of Paramount; and proof conclusive that Pep Club’s ideals are the right ideals; and gilt edged security that! all Pepsters are headed for new joys and new glories and new expressions of the old devotion. Mel. A. Shauer 1923-24 Harrv A. Nadel 1924-25 By HARRY A. NADEL My congratulations to President Frawley on an outstanding Pep Club year. Greetings to the President-elect, Eddie Brown. And how different he is from all his predecessors. A president with a mustache! The first three presidents boasted of having become fathers of sons, while in office. Stilson’s partiality to suspenders was recognized with the presentation to him of a deluxe pair, on his retirement from office. McLoughlin brought to the high office of President his genius for moving — from 5th Avenue to the Paramount Building. Trotta is the happy father of four or is it five young Trottas. Judge Frawley and conventions are synonymous. But, Eddie with his beautiful little waxed mustache. What a glorious future lies before him. My very best wishes to you, Ed. PEP-O-GRAMS PAGE THIRTY-S:X