Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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READ THE WORDS OF OUR FORMER LEADERS PRESENT GUIDES AND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ By PALMER H. STILSON The PARAMOUNT PEP CLUB should be defined as one of the most important departments in the Company’s service. Undoubtedly Corporation officials consider it as such. Its departmental functions inculcate loyalty, love of work, assistance and cooperation, education of our associates, social intercourse and welfare. Who can say that these accomplishments are not of the most far reaching aid to our Corporation and treasured\ as such? A competent stranger in need of employment approaches our gatO and the club personnel at once places the new associate at ease and assists him or her to more readily assimilate our methods and thereby render creditable service in daily tasks. The period of probation passed, the new employee is honored with full membership with its many advantages, insurance protection, raided activities., fraternal feeling and friendship. Pause and reflect on the manner in which all past club officials and chairmen have welded corporation and club policies; to the undisputed good of all. Scan the company personnel and note how the club reflects its spirit in the rank and file of our manpower and womankind. Yes, verily the club is a department of great worth. The corporation’s work and future has not been betrayed, whereas, to the glory of us all, the landmarks and ideals of PARAMOUNT are in definite process of perpetuation. P. H. Stlison 1925-26 By JOSEPH P. McLOUGHLlN On the eve of the inauguration of a new administration my hat is off to Mr. Frawley and his officers for instituting the most constructive measure yet made effective by the Club. The Group Insurance was truly a step in the right direction and much credit is due Ur. Stern and Mr. Frawley for the accomplishment. Our new President is bringing into office the experience gained through eight years of active interest in club affairs. We have every reason to feel confident that his administration will carry the Club to even greater achievement. Financially, there is much encouragement in the e.xpectation that Eddie will do as well with) the cash of the Club as he does JO^^EPH Me IflUOHLIR with the cash of the Company. 1926-27 By VINCENT TROTTA Vincent Trotta 1927-28 When an editor enters an office at least a dozen times (being part of the tribulation of editorship) each time pleading for a Past President, of the Club, it is pretty nearly certain that he is not kidding about the message. So, since the last pleading I have raked my files for a message to the members of the Club, and all I am prompted to say is to have them read over my Inaugural Address which is on file at any morgue: also note the second paragraph of Washington’s farewell to his troops; the third line of the sixthi paragraph of the Constitution of the United States; the last paragraph of Abraham Lincoln’s speech at Gettysberg; the fourth stanza of Dante’s "Paradise Lost”; Bryan’s appeal to reason at Dayton, Tennessee; and Mussolini’s famous eulogy on Rome’si Seventh Hill. Add to the above one part Pep, two parts Vim, three parts Zip and Vhgor and you will have everything that there is to say to the members for the Inaugural issue. Furthermore, I would advise the Toastmaster at the banquet, whoever he may be, that should he be in need of an address he could begin where ex-Toastmaster Botsford left off at the last Inaugural Banquet, and for his text refer to Film Daily’s article of September 25th, 1929; “Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Trotta of Flushing, L. I., are happy these days over birth of another son.” For further information be it known, that the babe was born on September 21st (the date of his mother’s birthday) his name lieing Raymond Trotta. Mother and father, in particular, are doing well. PEP-O-GRAMS PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN