Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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PEEKS AT THE PEPPY PURCHASERS DISCOVERED ! Let us see what the Purchasing Department is doing these days. try to crowd them all in the best we can. We’ll start off with iMr. Nadel, who received a half-way decent break by getting two weeks vacation, which he surely did need. Let us put a bug in your ear about Miss iMengel. Don’t ever try to kid her about buying paper or any kind of stationery because it will be just too bad. Mr. Cicero (pardon the mister) — he is not a bad looking chap and he has ,a perfect figure. Wdiy doesn’t he give some of the girls a break? We suppose you have heard of Larry Flynn. If not then you haven’t done any traveling. Well, here’s the job he has — Comes in the morning, opens his mail (pardon me, the boy opens it), he looks it over, then goes out to play golf and they call him the Transportation Manager. Not bad. Bessie Goldmith sure has personality, but she can’t eat that, so she has to work. Alice Blunt lives home now after being at Long Beach all summer, but Eddie doesn’t mind traveling. Anna Riley doesn’t like to be told she looks nice in blue. It’s getting so she can’t take a joke. Mr. Lockwood, the new member of the Purchasing Department is a very nice fellow, but Oh! That pipe! We don’t know much about Miss Blum, only that she comes from Pittsburgh and that is nothing to brag about. Harold, Larry Flynn’s assistant, is thinking of getting himself a ticket for the mad house. Remember, Harold, don’t get a round trip. Johnny Guilfoyle spent his vacation in Troy looking for a good old-fashioned girl, but no old-fashioned girl would trust him. JllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WOULD NOT A CAMP SITE BE A GOOD CLUB INVESTMENT? -r. ./. PINEAU lllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMI “PEP” IS WHAT MAKES YOUR CLUB AND PUBLIX, PARAjMOUNT. CONGRATULATIONS ! —BORIS MORROS iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiM For years we have Iieen trying to find out why Zelda Pyne of the Publix Accounting Department had left the sunny shores of her native home in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, which we have always pictured as the land of romances, to spend all her time in the cold environments of New York. Our spying reporters, who know no discomfitures, have discovered the secret of her happiness in living up North. We have learned that “Trappers” are located in the cold regions amid the ice and snow. It may be cold up here but Zelda’s smile can alw'ays be relied upon to melt the coldest icebergs. llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIII One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten. —J. A. Clark niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PUBLIX BOOKING DEPARTMENT Joel Golden is now in Des Moines assisting Ed. Berger. This is Joel’s first trip out of New York, which all goes to prove that one doesn’t have to “join the Navy and see the world,” — join Publix instead. This also applies to Joe Weinstein, “Joe the well dressed man” who is now on big business in Charlotte. Much planning is going on about the great event of the 5’^ear — THE DINNER. What table are you sitting at? Want to sit at mine? Can I be at that table? These exclamations can be heard at the least e.xcuse. Vincent Doherty, formerly of Mr. Frawley’s department, has joined the Publix ranks as assistant to Mr. Victor Campbell. Victor is now in charge of Jack Pindat’s department as well as his own. Barbara Cohen, Air. Hinchy’s secretary, has deserted us to go to California, which is not such a bad place. However, everyone was sorry to see Barbara leave as she was very well liked. Jeanne Friedman, the vampire of the department, has been up to her old tricks again. That young lady has been to a show every night for the past two weeks, Not Nearly A small boy came home and told his father he was now second in his class, the top being occupied by a girl. “But, surely, John,” said the father, “you’re not going to be beaten by a mere girl.” “VX'ell, you see, father,” replied John, “girls are not nearly so mere as they used to be.” PEP-O-GRAMS PAGE FORTY-TWO