Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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PARAMOUNT AROUND THE WORLD IS WITH US '■ TO-NIGHT I THE PEPSTERS OF AUSTRALIA SEND A COO-EE It is brought in person by JAMES A. SIXSMITH, Secretary-Treasurer of the Australian Paramount Organization at present visiting Home Office. Linked by the common bond of having had our Paramount-Pep Club founded the same year as your grand fellowship organization came into being, we literally do a kangaroo hop in Sipringing to the invitation to greet you in this fashion on the occasion of the installation of your new officers. We know, as past experience has so meritoriously proven, that the choices' of your nominating committee have been wise and commendable, and that for the forthcoming year you will have an administration which will prove to be diligent, progressive and visionary. We know that this administration will be faced with all of the problems which come with a swiftly growing organization; and just as surely we know that the new officers you have elected will prove themselves equal to the task of having the Paramount-Pep Club keep pace by pace and step by step with that great unit of unified endeavor in which are incorporated the great names and reputations of Paramount and Publix. Across ten thousand miles of space we send this message to you in the keeping of one of our most beloved Paramounteers. We know that he is going to have a marvelous time during his American visit in the Company’s interests, and we know, more surely than words could possibly tell, that through his eyes and his voice we are going to know you all even better than we have done in the past. — The Paramount-Pep Club of Sydney, Australia. JOHN HAMMELL WRITES: As the present administration draws to a close, the Club can look back with pride to the achievements which have been accomplished through the tireless efforts and capable abilities of its esteemed officers during the past year. Paramount is ever climbing to newer and mightier successes. The spirit and loyalty manifested by the Paramount Club members is in a large way responsible. Keep up your efforts, boys and girls, and ever keep in mind that you are part of that vast organization on which the sun never sets — PARAMOUNT. ENGLISH PARAMOUNTEERS PRESENT IN SPIRIT A Message from the Paramount Club Members in Great Britain to the Pepsters at the 1929 Inaugural Dinner. Transmitted by O. V. TRAGGARDH It is not so much the fact that the same ocean which beats right up to the foot of Forty-Fourth Street also beats up the Thames almost to our London office; it is not so much the fact that one may take hold of a telephone and for a not inconsiderable sum of money call you folks in New York; it is not so much these and many other things as it is the fact that we Paramounteers of the London Head Office feel that we are bound to you by a sentiment as enduring as the ocean, as intangible as the air and as pleasant as the sunshine which we are reputed (erroneously, we might add) to see so little of over here. 'Idle mere fact that we do not carry the word ‘Pep’ in our Club’s name by no means implies that we are lacking in this priceless commodity. Perhaps it is because we have assumed that ‘Paramount’ and ‘Pep’ are synonymous that we have refrained from doing so. At all events we have it, and it sustains us* in the multitudinous details of our tasks of presenting Paramount pictures to a vast and appreciative populace. We have alw’ays gone on record in appreciation of the inspiration which we have received from you and your Club. But merely going on record in cold words of type is not the finest form of appreciation. We believe that the best appreciation of inspiration is in actual translation of inspiration into action. So henceforth, in our activities and our accomplishments you will see the actual guaranteed worth of all of the goodness which we see in the aims, deals and sentiments of the Paramount-Pep Club at the Crossroads of the World. And this evening we are right across there with vou all in spirit. iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii If It’s a Paramount Picture It’s the World’s Best Show! — J. H. Seidelman IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII REMEMBER THIS ALWAYS He Who Misses the Best Is a Loser Whether He Knows It or Not. — David J. Chatkin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HEAR YE, HEAR YE— Have you heard the news! Laura Schauder of the Telephone Exchange is mighty proud to be called “Auntie” Laura, for a bouncing baby girl has arrived in the family and will be called Marguerite. We don’t blame you, Laura, for being so happy. PEP-O-GRAMS PAGE FORTY-FOUR