Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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REPORTERS |i Continued iv Little Tess Sternberger Sat on a muffet, shouting a gay “Hey, hey! ’ When along came a spider and sat down beside ’er — Finish this one your own way. They make up a wreath in Heaven And sent it down here beneath Where it wears a shoe size seven And they called her Rosie Reith. A great man for the girls is he. Enough to make youi’ blood boil; Just as long as it’s a she — Okay by Johnny Guilfoyle. He’ll cut capers and clown Till you’ll think he’s insane But who’d ever frown At Leo Lalanne? iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinin! Why ten words when everything worthwhile is covered in one? — Dick Blumenthal iiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!]]] THE NINTH’S INNING Vacation time being nearly over — we still have a few reports to make regarding the 9th floor Annex. Miss Harriet Leiman added a few pounds during her sojourn in the mountains. ' Miss Jeanette Mendelson toured Canada — and liked it! Mr. K. K. Hansen will spend his vacation AN ACCOUNT OF THE EXCHANGE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT After several hours of hard labor taking off an old set of cushioned typewriter keys which had glued themselves to the keys, ye gallant reporter, with the aid of that hackwoodsman, Fred Schrader, will attempt to fill some space in this great annual issue. We have found out from Aunt Mary Spitzer that her sister Sadie, well known throughout the Pep Club as a former member of the Board of Governors, was the proud mother of a bouncing baby girl last month. Our new office boy, Kenneth Lawson, is a hustler, and a bright future is predicted for him. Collegians Paul Broderick and Vincent Dougherty have left the department, with Paul made Chief Accountant of the Boston Exchange and Vincent transferred to the Publix Booking Department. We must have our Collegians, so we wish to welcome into the department John Torpy from Fordham University and Ray Pippitt of the University of Kansas. Our sheik, Richard Carroll, is wondering how he can invite a young lady to lunch with a dollar bill of the new small size variety. It is great to see Arthur Dunne walking with his old time brisk stride. At one time we thought that he had what the baseball players term a “Charley Horse.” Margaret Banzer and Anne Berliner are two of the most enthusiastic rooters for the Daily News comic section. We are wondering if our young golf addict, Meriam Isaacs is making any headway in bringing in a small score. Since Fred Schrader has returned from his vacation the telephone keeps ringing for him every day. We hear that he made a number of conquests. We guess we had better close shop before our sweet little stenographer, Nora Haran, comes in and throws us out of her seat as she is the busiest one in the department and hates to be prevented from working. in Florida and insfists it is not as hot down there as it has been in New York. Mr. Jack Partington has been seen hobbling around with a cane these days. He sez a golf ball hit his leg. Miss Ann Solomon has been wearing a lot of tan clothes recently and since she returned from her vacation, it is difficult to tell which is the clothes and which is Ann — they blend beautifully. Miss Jean Schwenger vacationed at Club Arcady. llllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIII Always, let us give Adolph Zukor an even break! — Benj. H. Serkoivich llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PAGE FORTY-SEVEN PEP-O-GRAMS