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Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1928)

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OVERHEARD Bert Adler — ‘‘Gentlemen prefer blondes, but I prefer brunettes.” (Anyway Bert, we admire your taste.) Jaek IJok.ser — ‘‘Hello — who? That’s my cousin on the wire Nice kid." (Ever hear that before ?) Iv. lli'iuliniii — ”I haven't read a good book in fourteen years.” Mae t'orkery — “When I complete the course of Miller System of Correct English.” (Whom are you -going to show up?) Cecelia liiver — “It's too bad the Film Rental Department moved to the fifth fioor.” I We’re sorry too.) Jeanette Finnegan — “As soon as I become a member of the Pep Club.” (What will you do. Jean?) Nick Hernnkind — “When I enter the room my boy (three months old) recognizes me immediately, and says ‘Daddy’.” Itelle I.skowit* — “If I can’t have my lunch with ‘Honey,’ I won’t eat.” (“Honey” is Hannah Kasten’s nick-name.) Kiitli Johnson — “It really isn’t stylish to be slim.” (That’s why we’re dieting to get plump — don't tell anyone.) Maxine Kessler — “Spare my Life.” “It’s Henry Gray’s fault that I wrote this column.” Joe Lewandos — “The last golf tournament held at etc. etc.” (Golf is Joe’s middle name.) Zelda Pyne — “I’ll never forget that trip to Atlantic City.” (Neither will we, Zelda.) Lillian Soskel — “Guess I’ll have to go on that eighteen day diet.” Mildred Stohie — “You’re color-blind.” My hair is not auburn.” Mildred Toriney — “That was some sale.” (Why do you tell us when they’re all sold out?) Al Webb — “Now that Winter is approaching. I’ll sure miss the Lake.” GUS GRIST SUCCUMBS IN FIRST ROUND After watching several of the recent tournaments at Forest Hills and weary of waiting for a challenge from some Paramounteer, Gus Grist was encouraged to enter a round-robin tournament in his home town — Mount Vernon, N. Y. Gus was just unlucky enough to be matched, against one of the cleverest entries in the tournament and failed to survive the first round. However, Gus had the satisfaction of making his opponent play the third set in order to win honors ; the scores being 4 — 6, 6 — 0, 0 — 6. The elimination of Gus from this tournament made it an excellent talking topic for several of his friends who kidded and jibed him unmercifully. Knowing their remarks were all in good faith, Gus let them have their ■way and knew within the confines of his own self that he could give his tormentors a sound thrashing on anybody’s tennis court. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII “Tongues of Film” should be Paramount’s First Great International production. — George W'eltner llllllllllllillllllllMllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll REFERRING TO OUR FILES Publix Filing Department boasts of two new members, Genevieve Tromba and Anne P'arrell. Welcome to our Pep Club, girls. Paging Marian Herbert, our charming red headed Pe[’ girl! She has a small picture of him in her purse. She has a large picture of him on her vanity table. He calls her in the morning — ■ Pie takes her to lunch And — they sec each other seven nights a iveek. Oh, Herbie aint it a grand and glorious feeling. Don’t you just love that school-marm look that Pearl Schnur can give in those new' glasses. Gee it sure is tough on poor Margie Stolfi. Yen see it’s this way — when a flapper like Marge has three boy friends she just can’t make up her mind whether it’s going to be Sal, Joe or Michael. Katherine Murphy has just returned from Bermuda and oh boy, you should hear the stories she can tell about the moonlight nights down there. Long Island has become very thickly populated since Helen Mayer became one of its most ardent commuters. Alice Deegan, she of the swanky new hair comb, has suddenly developed a soft spot in her heart for someone. Come on Al — tell us who the sheik is that has made you forget all about the big red haired cowboy. A lot of boys in the Pep( Club have recently found out that they need medical attention. The reason is that Miriam Opferman has left our employ to become a trained nurse. If there’s a steamer going there we’ll get it there. — Palmer Hall Stilson PEPSTER FINGERLIN SAYS— The Long Island studio and the Paramount Pep Club celebrate joint birthdays at this time. Both have every reason to be proud of the past year, and the studio extends its heartiest congratulations to the club. May 1929-30 be an even more successful season for both. JOHN W. FINGERLIN Executive Manager, Long Island Studio PEP-O-GRAMS PAGE FORTY-EIGHT