Paramount Press Books (1918)

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT “STELLA MARIS” The photoplay is dramatized from the famous novel by William J. Locke, who is recognized as one of the greatest living authors. Mary Pickford, the idol of America, is the star. Frances Marion wrote the scenario and Marshall Neilan directed the production, the same combination that made “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” and “The Little Princess.” For the first time in her career Miss Pickford undertakes a dual role, playing the part of Stella Maris, a sweet, gentle girl, and Unity Blake, the ugly and deformed orphan. In the latter role scenes of great pathos and sensationalism are shown. Through remarkable trick photography, both characters are shown on the screen at the same time, and effects are obtained which have never heretofore been successfully attempted. Mary Pickford’s tremendous drawing power with the public is doubled in this production, as her interpretation of two separate and distinct parts, each one of stellar proportions, presents her artistry as effectively as if she had appeared in two different photoplays. The supporting cast is exceptionally strong, headed by Conway Tearle, a popular favorite. “Stella Maris” is an extraordinary production, replete with stirring incidents, and deeply charged with pathos. Settings and backgrounds have been provided in keeping with the bigness of the story, and exquisite camera work completes one of the best Artcraft ve^ released. FOR ADDITIONAL EXPLOITATION AND PUBLICITY ACCESSORIES READ PROGRESS-ADVANCE. IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE MAILING LIST PLEASE SEND IN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. ACCESSORIES (To Be Obtained at Your Exchange) Paper Two one-sheets Two three-sheets Two six-sheets One Twenty-four sheets Photos Ten 8 X 10 black and white Eight H X 14 colored gelatin Two 22 X 28 colored gelatin 8 X 10 photos of star Cuts and Mats on Production Five one column Three two-column Two three column Stock Cuts and Mats of Star Three one-column Two two-column One three-column Rotogravure One Sheet Advertising Layouts, Cuts and Mats Press Book, with sales talk, card and letter announcements, suggestions lor lobby and other displays Slides Music Cues Heralds CAST MARY PICKFORD Stella Maris Unity Blake John Risca Conway Tearle Louise Risca . . Camille Ankewich Lady Blount .... Ida Waterman Sir Blount .... Herbert Standing Agatha Linden .Josephine Crowell TTie Nurse Mrs. Coonleu CONTENTS Page 1. Cover with Billing. 2. Talking Points, Cast and list of accessories 3. Suggestions for post cards and letter campaign. 4. Advertising Suggestions. 5. Star Cuts and Mats. 6. Advertising Layouts. y 4t <1 8. Advertising Layouts and Slide. 9. Lithographs. 10. Cartoon 11. Scene Cuts and Mats. 12. Publicity Stories. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Synopsis. 21.