Paramount Press Books (1918)

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-5 they are too poor to follow the doctor’s advice, a desire to do things is suddenly bom in Nora’s mind. Desipte his poverty her husband has a horror of debt and refuses to borrow from anyone. In great perplexity Nora seeks Krogstadt , an avarice ious money-lender, and negotiates a loan. She signs a note giving as security therefor her father’s name and not realizing the gravity of the procedure she signs her father’s name to the document. Krogstadt is cognizant of Nora’s act, but determines to make us of his knowledge to his own advantage some day. He gives her the money, and she hastens to her husband and w nen she gives him the money she announces that it had been supplied by her father* The couple go South and live there for one year, during which period, Helmar.’s health is restored. Eight years elapse and meanwhile Helmar had been made manager of a bank and their financial troubles are ended* But one day, Krog— stadt, who had accepted a small position in the bank in the vain hope of redeeming his respectability, was discharged by Helmar, and in a rage he seeks Nora dnd threatens to expose her criminality unless she secures his reinstatement* Nora makes her friend, Mrs. Linden, her confidant and she pleads with Krogstadt in Nora’s "behalf. Kronstadt then announces that he had already wri t ten to Helmar explaining all and threatening to make the matter public unless he was reinstated. When Helmar receives this letter, he is furious at his wife and refuses to listen to her explanations. She had pictured in her own mind when exposure came he would gal lanty assume the blame, in order to save her, and his failure to do so was a revelation to her. She now realizes that she had never known her husband and that for eight years they had lived as strangers. Suddenly a letter comes from Krogstadt returning Nora’s incriminating note and apologizing for his conduct. Helmar^ manner changes and he seeks to make amends with his wife, who now realizes that they are unsuited for each other, and seeing herself as a doll, she resolves to be a doll no longer. She. then leaves her husband taking nothing with her, and leaving him but on glimmer of hope— that she may return when both have been so changed that commonion between them shall be not only marriage in name, but a perfect union of sentiment, ideal and hearts. * * * * * * * Adolph Zukor Presents PAULINE FREDERICK in "FEDORA" By Victorien Sardou Scenario by Charles E. Whittaker Directed by Edward Jose A Paramount Picture THE CAST Princess Fedo ra* .Pauline Frederick Gretch, a police official. ...... .Alfred Hickman Loris Ipanoff. .................. .Jere Austin Gen. Zariskene, Chief of P6lice..wr. L. Abingdon Count Vladimir Androvitch W'ilmuth Merkyll 5239-c