Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. (By Reg Felton.' J^T was generally rumoured that the popular Clive Brook was leaving for his native Englasd at the expiration of his present contract. He has now decided definitely on the contrary, and has signed a new long term contract with Paramount. Hjs first picture under the new contract will be "The Night of June 1 3”. . A Sell mo)e ADSALES ! J 11. ((SHlife-— ■' (By LEN JONES.) gPRING IS here! The cash cu3tomers are leaving their fires. des. Box office receipts are bound to show considerable improvement; more money will be spent by exhibitors, and it is up to us to get our share ot it. Now ;s the time to go after all novelty and stock items, such as snipes, lobby stands, window boards, medallions, celluloid buttons and photogravures, etc. Push these lines for all you are worth. A. Nicholas, Adelbourne Ad. Sales Manager, is certainly showing the rest of the boys how to sell Lobby and Window Boards. During recent Weeks he has sold exceptional quantities, and he is far ahead of all other branches in these lines. Keep talking about “The Sign of the Cross”. Star value is certainly an outstanding feature of Paramount’s new season product. Apart from our own highlights, Clark Gable will come from M-G-iM to appear in “No Bed of Her Own”, Elissa Landi will be loaned by Fox for “The Sign of the Cross'”, and Kay Francis will come frenr Warners for “The Honest Finder”. Jimmy Durante is another on the berrowed list. He comes from M-G-M to appear in the “Phantom President” with George M. Cohan. Paramount's Olympic Carnes news special at present at the Sydney Prince Edward with "Aren't We All" was screened hi the Theatrette on Monday. It is packed with appeal for Australian audiences, containing talks by Mgr. Eve, George Golding, Eddie Scarf and others. Also excellent shots of the Olympic Stadium and Australian quarters, together with shots of the champions, both in tra.ning and the semi-finals. With the exception of Sydney, it is months since any of the other Ad Sales boys sold any frames. They evidently are of the opinion that they are only for display in their departments. The only branch to go over Quota last week Was Launceston, while the only Branch to exceed Quota for the previous week was Adelaide, though Launceston just failed by a Very small margin. George Hayes, in charge of Launceston Branch Ad Sales Department, is setting a sharp pace in the sale of the new 3-color couriers. His quota for the 1 -color courier formerly handled was 3,000, and this has been increased to 6,500 for all 3-color Couriers. For such a small branch as Launceston, tl;e increase is exceptional, and to the writer’s knowledge this is the largest standing order of couriers that has ever been obtained for Launceston branch. What’s going to happen in NOVEMBER? AUOUI^D THE BRAIVCHEiS IHE PERTH QUEUE. a queue might very we 11 be taken as a symbol of prosperity for this business, we have decided that all Perth news items shall come undei this head ing. The idea of “The Perth Queue” was derived from the phenomenal success of “Shanghai Express ”, now playing to genuine record business at the Per il Capitol, and the eager rusli of Exhibitors to this office in consequence. One more booking to make now for a 1 00 per cent, sound distribution in Paramount Week! How’s that you Branches? Can you equal it? Harry Hill has been teaching his youngsters to play cricket, but two broken windows seem to have dampened his ardour. What with “Shangh ai Express” and coming releases, there is no holding B. M. George Nacard now. Wherever Head Office institutes a new system, Jetf Ralph is heard to mumble something about ‘good soldiers . We believe it originated from Roger Lo.gan. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN IN NOVEMBER ? I niinliy Ilf .Tiiiiii — .Vuslriiliii. Whnlly -.-1 up umi jirinted by The Miii-ket Pnntery Ltd.. 372a Pitt Street. Sydney. I‘iiblish.d by PiiiMinipunt. Film Service Limited, of Resen-oir Street. .Sydney.