Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. GENERAL SALES MANAGER HURWORTH ANNOUNCES SPECIAL “ BOOKERS’ DRIVE ” FOR DECEMBER. PLAN FOR GREAT DISTRIBUTION. “^PHE BOOKERS’ DRIVE”, the first that has been promoted in honor of those hard working boys of the long book, is announced by General Sales Manager W. Hurworth, as a special campaign for wider distribution in December. “Bookers have always played a big part in all previous Drives,” states Mr. Hurworth, “In fact, they have been, in many cases, the unsung heroes, and I think it is about time that we gave them a contest to themselves. Naturally the business, or the bulk of it, will come through Manager and other members of the actual selling unit. Honor and credit to his record will go to the Booker who handles the largest percentage of Features and Shorts during the month of December as against the booking recorded on the “D” Statements for the Month of September. “Here is the golden opportunity,” states Mr. Hurworth, “for every Booker to show his worth. The performance of every man in this Drive for greater distribution will be watched closely by Mr. Clark and myself, and will be recorded to the rpan's credit when promotions are in order.” On the mark everybody for the Bookers’ December Drive for Distribution! the hands of the Branch Managers and Salesmen, but the Booker will play the important part of compiling the necessary information for the Sales Force, in other words, making the ammunition for the Salesmen to fire.” News of the Bookers’ Campaign for December has already gone forward to all Branch Managers and Bookers by letter from Mr. Hurworth, and by this time every Booker should be on the job looking out for those unsold possibilities and the spots where bookings can be placed . . . towns where it would be the best advantage to place Specials or repeat bookings. The Booker should hand this information immediately to the Branch MR. HURWORTH. FIRST CONTRACTS FOR 1934. District Managers Fred Cawler and Claude Henderson share the honours of being the first two members of the Sales Force to sign contracts for our 1934 Product. Both contracts have been accepted by Head Office, and cover 52 weeks’ service. MAE WOWS ’EM ! DESPITE one of the hottest days of the year and tough opposition, Mae IVest’s “She Done Him Wrong" enjoyed a smash opening at the Regent Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday last. Due to a tremendous advance campaign, Mae West is Sydney’s topic of conversation right nou), and those who have seen the picture are shouting their praises of this magnetic new Paramount personality. IF IT’S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE— IT’S THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN!