Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. Co-operation. Entire Sales Force Pledge SUCCESS OF “BOOKERS’ DRIVE” IS ASSURED. “WIDER DISTRIBUTION IN DECEMBER”. IN response to his announcement of a special drive for December, to be named the “Bookers’ Drive’’, Mr. Hurworth has received a flood of letters from members of the Sales Force, pledging their 100 per cent, co-operation to the campaign. Everybody agrees that the Drive affords the opportunity to finish up the year with a great burst for extra revenue, and further, to clear off all unplayed and unbooked pictures on existing contracts so as to start the New Year with a clean slate. Read what some of the boys have to say; — "You may rest assured of my whole-hearted co-operation in pushing the Drive on to a very successful conclusion.” Fred Gawler (N.S.W.) "You may depend that the Melbourne Branch, as usual, will not be far behind when the final figures are disclosed.” F. J. Fleydon (Vic.) “/ will co-operate in every way possible with my Booker to make the forthcoming ‘Bookers' Drive' an unparalleled success.” C. Abotomey (S.A.) “/ am sure that we can at least equal September figures, and 1 think that it is just a cinch for us to make a double of this and the 'Paramount Week Drive' George Hayes (Tas.) "I am determined to win this Drive for New Z.ealand, and with that in mind you may rely upon me to obtain the greatest distribution possible for December.” W. C. Hanson (N.Z.) “/ think your idea of a 'Bookers' Drive' is an excellent one and we are going to justify that opinion by results.” S. H. Craig (N.Z.) "1 have been assured of the support of every member of the Branch . . . and with that help, I feel sure that Brisbane will fill first place.” Jack Edwards (Q.) Editor’s Note; Owing to the pressure of space we are unable to publish all the letters received. However, watch out for them next week.) General Sales Mnnager William Hurworth lines up the field for the start of the ‘ Bookers’ Drive”. . .a contest of Paramount importance. You will notice that there are a couple of ‘dark horses” in the field. THERE’S PLENTY OF PUNCH IN THE BLUE RIBBON BUNCH, j