Paramount Punch (1930)

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YMawount Vol. 7. — No. 45. Nov. 8, 1933 OUR 1934 PRODUCT The boys who recently attended Head Office for the Sales Conference have heard the story of Paramount’s ambitious production plans for next year, but to-day the news was announced officially to the trade by special advertisements and the general public by news stories in the daily press. The general public, I know, will greet the news enthusiastically because our line-up of good pictures for next year means added entertainment enjoyment for the masses. The Exhibitor, who will survey the pictures announced with a more critical eye, should be equally enthusiastic, because our production schedule for 1934 calls for common-sense showmanship pictures Pictures that have well known stories .... box-office titles . . ..enacted by popular favorites and directed by men whose names mean just as much at the box-office as those of most of the better-known players. I tell you this with all sincerity our produc tion schedule for next year is the greatest line-up in Paramount’s history. Sane showmanship is behind it, and it can’t fail. You can look to 1934 as Paramount's year. ” M 1 1 till li II Ijurrn n *m |fil!ii«iri(ifn, Iniiiiu, n a*!? Wnirii II SMI ”‘,1:5 5 jun iis'i -f f' ? \ #*•«' Published every Wed nesday by Paramownt Pilm Service Ltd.. Head Office, Sydney. Australia, in the interests of the Paramount organisation in Australia, New Zealand and the Far East. Reg Kelly — Editor. w li 1 il 1.1 1 3 m i'