Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH Mr. Clark Announces Paramount^s 1934 Production Programme NEWS FLASHED TO TRADE AND PUBLIC TO-DAY. PARAMOUNT’ S production programme for ! 934 calls for the production of sixty five feature length pictures, the largest schedule ever attempted by the Company, according to Mr. Clark, in making formal announcement to-day to the trade and public of our product for next year. The ambitious programme is an indication of the confidence of Paramount in the general revival of business conditions. In addition to the sixty-five features Paramount is producing one hundred and seventy-seven short subjects, comprising cartoons, pictorials, comedies and the Paramount Sound News. Heading the list of Paramount’s new pictures in the 1934 schedule are features starring Maurice Chevalier, Marlene Dietrich, The Four Marx Brothers, Bing Crosby, Gary Cooper, Claudette Colbert, Fredric March, Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins, Charles Laughton and Paramount’s two new faces, Mae West and Dorothea Wieck. The “Big Five’’ Directors of the motion picture industry — Cecil B. DeMille, Ernst Lubitsch, Josef Von Sternberg, Norman Taurog, Rouben Mamoulian — head Paramount’s large force of directorial genius in the making of that Company’s New Season Product. Practically every Paramount picture will have a musical background, and Paramount will produce at least ten pictures in either musical comedies or musical operettas, according to Mr. Clark. Some of the outstanding "Alice in Wonderland" , Lewis Car roll's story with Gary Cooper, Bing pictures listed in Paramount’s 1934 Announcement are: "Song of Songs", a Rouben Mamoulian production starring Marlene Dietrich, adapted from a story by Hermann Sudermann, and play by Edward Sheldon. Brian Aherne makes his film debut in this, with Lionel Atwill and Alison Skipworth also featured. "Her Regiment of Lovers" will be the first of two more pictures starring Marlene Dietrich. Both will be produced and directed by Josef Von Sternberg. "I'm No Angel", starring Paramount's "new kind of woman”, MAE WEST, with .Cary Grant, Gregory Ratoff, Kent Taylor and Roscoe Karns. Directed by Wesley Ruggles. "It Ain't No Sin", Mae West's second picture. "The Way To Love", starring Maurice Chevalier, with Ann Dvorak, Edward Everett Horton. Directed by Norman Taurog. Leo Robin and Ralph Rainger, composers of “Please” and "Here Lies Love”, wrote the songs. The Four Marx Brothers in "Duck Soup": Leo McCarey director. Dance routines by Seymour Felix. Miusic and lyrics by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, Crosby, Charles Laughton. Leon Errol, Charlie Ruggles, Jack Oakie, W. C. Fields, Fold Sterling, Mary Boland, Louise Fazenda and beautiful Charlotte Henry as "Alice ", Directed by Norman McLeod, with music and songs. "The Search for Beauty" with allStar cast and 15 girls and 15 men selected from international beauty contests, including Gwen Munro and Brian Norman of Australia and Joyce Nielsen and Colin Tapley of New Zealand. "Funny Page", a comedy with music featuring Charlie Ruggles, W. C. Fields, Leon Errol, Jack Oakie, Jack La Rue, Grace Bradley, Verna Hillie. directed by Leo McCarey. "This Day and Age", directed by Cecil B. DeMi'lle, with Charles Bickford. Richard 'Cromwell, Judith Allen, Eddie Nugent, Ben Alexander, Harry Green, George Barbier, Bradley Page, ind a group' of sons of famous screen stars. "Four Frightened People", another DeMille production based on a best seller by E. Arnot-Robertson, with Claudette Colbert. Herbert Marshall. Mary Boland, Leo Carrillo and William Garga.n. The third DeMille production, now in preparation, will be a spectacular drama of the charmer of the Nile, "Cleopatra", and will feature a cast of exceptional players headed by Claudette Colbert. Noel Coward's "Design For Living", an Ernst Lubitsch production, with Fredric March, Miriam Hopkins, Gary Cooper and Edward Everett Horton. "White Woman" will feature Charles Laughton, Charles Bickford, Carole Lombard and Percy Kilbride. Directed by Stuart Walker. "Three Cornered Moon" with Claudette Colbert, Richard Aden, Mary Boland, Lyda Robert!. "Tillie and Gus", co-starring the new comedy team of W, C. Fields, and Alison Skipworth, with Baby LeRoy. Directed by Francis Martin. "Torch Singer" with Claudette Colbert, Ricardo Cortez, Lyda Robert! and David Manners. Adapted from Grace Perkins’ Liberty Magazine story, "Mike”, features several new songs. "Cradle Song" from the play by Gregorio Martinez-Sierra, marks the debut of Dorothea Wieck, with Louise Dresser, Kent Taylor and Evelyn Venable. "Too Mu'ch Harmontj”, musical comedy with Bing Crosby, Jack Oakie, (Continued to Page 4.) THERE’S PLENTY OF PUNCH tN THE BLUE RIBBON BUNCH.