Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. Our Bich Page iof Front Page l\lews CECIL B. DeMILLE has chartered an ocean liner on which he will shoot sequences of his forthcoming “Four Frightened People" . . .'The cast for this Paramount special includes Claudette Colbert, Mary Boland, Herbert Marshall, William Cargan and Leo Carrillo . . .Sally O'Neill, for many years a favorite among silent picture fans, has again stepped into prominence with a lengthy Paramount contract. Firstly, Miss O'Neill will appear in "We're Sitting Pretty", with Jack Oakie, Jack Haley and Ethel Merman . . . Charlie Ruggles has been assigned the lead in “She Made Her Bed", a comedy romance of Parisian artists . . .Marguerite Churchill will have the feminine lead and so replace Carole Lombard who was originally intended for the role. . .James Bell, Broadway actor who recently arrived in H ollyWood for a single picture contract with Paramount, will probably go into a featured role in “White Woman". . .Charles Laughton, Percy Kilbride, Carole Lombard and Charles Bickford have already been cast for "White W Oman" . . . Mahlon Hamilton, one time popular leading man, will appear in Mae West’s new picture, “I'm No Angel" . . . Miss West is responsible for the Writing of this story, and Wesley Ruggles, brother to Charlie, is the director. . .Cary Grant aga'n plays the lead opposite Mae, whilst Kent Taylor, Edward Arnold, and Gregory Ratoff are best known of the remainder of the cast. . . Just for your information . . . (Continued from Page 2.) Skcets Gallagher, Lilyan Tashman. Harry Green, Ned Sparks. Directed by Edward Sutherland. "One S'Unday Afternoon" starring Gary Cooper, with 'Francis Fuller, Neil Hamilton, Fay Wray and Roscoe Karns. Directed by Stephen Roberts, from the play by James Hagan. "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" with Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Richard Arlen, Sir Guy Standing. From the book by F. Yeats-Brown. Ernest Schoedsack made the jungle scenes. “Good Time Harry", co-starring the comedy team of Mary Boland and Charlie Ruggles, with George Barbier. "There Were Four Women" written and directed by Ernst Lubitsch, with cast including Miriam Hopkins, Fredric March, Gary Cooper, Claudette Colbert, Cary Grant, Dorothea Wieck and Carole Lombard. "All of Me" with George Raft. Carole Lombard and Ricardo Cortez,. "We’re Sitting Pretty", a musical comedy with Jack Hafey, Jack Oakie, Ethel Merman and Sally O’Neil. Directed by Ralph Murphy. Music by Gordon and Revel. "Big Executive" with Ricardo Cortez, Richard Bennett. Elizabeth Young and Sharon Lynne. Story by Alice Duer Miller. Directed by Erie Kenton. "Hell on High Waters" with Richard Arlen and Judith Allen. Directed by Grover Jones and William Slavens McNutt. "Cruise to Nowhere" , a musical by Walton Hall Smith with Bing Crosby, Burns and Allen. W. C. Fields, heading an all-star cast. "Six of a Kind" with Charlie Ruggles, Mary Boland, W. C. Fields, Alison Skipworth; directed by Leo McCarey. "Golden Harvest" featuring Richard Arlen, Chester Morris and Genevieve Tobi-n. "I Can't Go Home", "One Grand"', "The Handsome Brute", with Marguerite Churchill, "Eight Girls in a Boat", directed by Richard Wallace, 'Swift Arrow", "She Made Her Bed", "No More Women", with Edmund Lowe and Victor McLaglen, "Green Gold" are also on Paramount's 1934 Production Schedule. The following is an extract, from a memo received ■ from Albert Nicholas, Melbourne Ad. Sales Manager, regarding the Bookers’ Drive: — We have already commenced our campaign, as per attached sales letters. These letters haoe been forwarded to exhibitors screening Paramount pictures during the months of November and December. I might add that We have already received successful replies from many of the towns concerned.” Max Lovett, Acting Ad. Sales Manager in Sydney, lost no time in chasing courier sales for “She Done Him Wrong’’. He has already sold a total of 20,000 couriers on this production to three theatres. Max expects to sell at least 100,000 couriers on this picture, and judging from the flying start made, he seems certain to achieve his objective W. Bignell, Adelaide Ad. Sales Manager, has also been reponsibls for some excellent courier sales on recent productions. A requisition for a further 3,000 couriers on “Tonight Is Ours” has been necessary to fill orders already in hand. Pountry of origin — Australia. Wholly set up and printed by The Market Printery Ltd., 3 72a Pitt Strget, Sydney. Published by Paramount Film Service Limited, of Reservoir Street, Sydney.