Paramount Punch (1930)

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Vol. 7. — No. 46. Nov. 15, 1933. FOR 1935 .As'-' ^ 'i*'’ ■ . 7-‘: , :. -■ ; ■ jBftM, .:■ HiOT Jm Wnin I ll'tm!i nrrtiw'^ bWHi®:#!.! 1 1 1 It I* !! M •hm.m'i, KxeaHjfeiiiimns • i i wi? ?* ” II!"'ni iJir^innv n 8 ? II fi « II !; lij”' Ipfn^f^iuiy it i t * I w If if if irii 9 •' j AU REVOIR’. lies TO all you boys and girls of Paramount in Australia. New Zealand, and the Far East, who have been so loyal to me during the past two years, I bid “Au Revoir”. To-day I sail, with Mrs. Clark, on the s.s. "Monterey” to New York on urgent and important business. It will only be a short trip, and we expect to be back with you again in January. In the meantime, I know that I can rely upon you all to carry on in your usual right royal spirit. Although I shall be many thousands of miles away, I shall be watching with interest your efforts in the Bookers' Drive, and also your work in selling Paramount’s 1934 Product. During my absence, you should not be wanting for good pictures. “This Day and Age”, "Midnight Club”, “Big Executive” and “Her Bodyguard” are all ready for release. I know that I can look to you all to give Mr. Hurworth and Mr. Sixsmith your 100 per cent, co-operation. Once again, “Au Revoir”. Managing Director. rLil>lished every Wed iiesday by Paramount Film Service Ltd., Head Office, Sydney, Australia, in the interests of the Paraniounl organisation in Australia. New Zealand and the Far East. Kellv — Editor.