Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. Our Bach Page 6f Front Page IVIews CHARLES FARRELL of "Seventh Heaven" fame is a newcomer to the Paramount lot . . . He has been borrowed for "The Girl Without a Room" in which Marguerite Churchill, Charlie Ruggles, and Gregory Ratoff are also featured . . . And now here's the latest. . . Lubitsch has patented the furniture designs in "Design for Living". . . This action was taken because so many furniture manufacturers "lifted" and commercialised the lounge room equipment used in "Trouble in Paradise" . . . This time they will be at liberty to use the designs for his latest picture ... on a royalty basis. . . "Ladder of Men" has been chosen as a vehicle for Miriam Hopkins. . . Ten years ago the picture world took to its heart a youngster named Baby Peggy . . . Now Peggy is "all groWed up" and as Peggy Montgomery, you will see her in "Eight Girls in a Boat" . . . "The Y odellers" is being prepared as a screen play for Charlie Ruggles and Mary Boland. . . Jackie Cooper, who made his first big success in "Skippy" on the Paramount lot is back again on loan to make "Pardners" . . . "Smile, Damn You, Smile", current story by Ben Hecht, has been purchased by Paramount as a possible vehicle for George Raft or Jack LaRue . . . "Hell and High Water" has been chosen as the final title of "Cap’n Jericho", Max Miller's sto-ry of the waterfront, featuring Richard Arlen and Judith Allen . . . Personalities Three Paramountcers attached to the Melbourne exchange who are responsible for the safe transit of Paramount pictures to the theatres of Victoria. From left to right: William Davis, Harry Whittington and Harry Massina. Meet “Bill” Hurworth, jr. Introducing William Hurworth, Jnr., son of General Sales Manager Hurworth, who became a Paramounteer on Monday last. Young “Bill” is attached to the Sydney Booking Department. Misses Brown, MacLean, and Norris, who recently won one of the major prizes in the State Lottery “threw” a party for their associates in the Head Office Accounts Dept. Dinner and theatre was the programme. — Hermann Flynn, Advertising, was admitted to hospital yesterday to undergo an appendicitis operation. He’s doing nicely, thank you. Bill Worsley of the H O. House Staff is a proud daddy. IT’S a girl. Herewith is a report from George Hayes, of Launceston, concerning the Bookers’ Drive: — “I have instituted a special drive in connection with the Bookers’ Drive for December, and guarantee at least quota figures for each week of December.” Albert Nicholas, Melbourne Ad. Sales manager, reports a sale of excellent quantities of three-sheets, one-sheets, daybills and couriers for "Blonde P enus" , "Movie Crazy”, "If I Had a Million” and “Hello, Everybody” to a local circuit. Albert was also responsible for a splendid sale 0/ I 1 X 24 sheets on "International House" to a suburban theatre. Max Lovett, Acting Ad. Sales Manager in Sydney, has turned in copies of an outstanding batch of sales letters, on which he has kept a check for results. The amount of extra revenue obtained in this manner is certainly most gratifying and his efforts have been well repaid. Albert Nicholas still maintains his advantage in the "Sign of the Cross” courier sales contest with Sydney. Figures at November 9ih are as follows: — Melb.: 143,150 Couriers. Sydney: 133,500 Couriers. roiinlry of origin — Australia. Wholly set up and printed hy The Market Printery ],td., 372a Pitt Street, .Sydney. Published by I’aramount Film Service Limited, of Reservoir Street. Sydney.