Paramount Punch (1930)

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Jinit! II liiifr|iiut(r%1^ ifptMl II iHifi;|M!n»nM-ffT, miHm ¥1 lijtnminnmv] nif8»«!!;ilofiinwj ?: iiJS'ii sriS^^* l*iiblished every Wednesday by Paramount Film Service Ltd., Head Office, Sydney. Australia, in the interests of the Parainotint organisation in Australia, New Zealand and the Far East. Peg Kelly — Editor. Nov. 22, 1933. VALE, MR. SHAUER. A BRIEF cablegram from Mr. Hicks gave us the sad message that Mr. Shauer passed away in New York on the morning of November 16. Particularly does this organisation in Australia, New Zealand and the Far East feel keenly the great E. E. Shauer. loss of our loving and distinguished friend who cherished us as his “Blue Ribbon Bunch”. The staffs in Head Office and all Branches assembled in their respective offices on November 17, and together observed a moment of silence out of loyal respect and love for him whose star of leadership has set to guide us still onward to greater things for the organisation. Mr. Emil E. Shauer was in his sixtyeighth year. He was a member of the Board of Directors, Assistant-Treasurer, and General Manager of the Foreign Department of Paramount Pictures Inc., in which latter position he controlled the organisation of manpower that sold and distributed Paramount Pictures in 71 countries. In 1925 with Mrs. Shauer, he visited Australia, when this organisation had the pleasure of meeting him. V'ol. 7. — No. 47.