Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. Just one of the screamingly funny moments from The Four Marx Bros.’ “Duck Soup.” Margaret Dumont, who is meeting with so much admiration from Groucho has appeared in each of the Marx Bros, pictures to date. CLAUDETTE SINGS. THREE HIT IsiUMBERS IN “TORCH SINGER”. WHEN Claudette Colbert sang a short chorus in “The Smiling Lieutenant”, fans throughout the world were amazed at the sweet quality of her voice. They cried out for more, and in “The Torch Singer” we have the answer. Here we have Miss Colbert as a night club and radio singer, a part which calls for snap numbers, and do we get them? Read on dear readers, read on. “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Love” is a knock-out, and is sure to be one of the season’s biggest hits. Others sung by Miss Colbert, with that sweet modulated crooning voice are, “Don’t Be a CryBabv” and “It’s a Long Dark Night”. (Continued on foot of Col. B.'i The Bookers’ Drive. THAT WINNING STRIDE! WHEN the call was made for a special effort for extra revenue in September you were given a job to do, and you did it in a highly creditable manner. That achievement was a great tribute to the devotion, loyalty, and hard-hitting selling effectiveness of our Manpower. Again, the Blue Ribbon Bunch delivered! Our job now is to keep the momentum we gathered over September and October going into the remainder of the year. We hit a winning stride in September. Let’s keep it up! i am counting on the Bookers’ Drive for December to show our executives in New York that our September effort was no flash-in-the-pan. In fulfilling this task, we will be aided by pictures of high box-office quality. I refer particularly to “She Done Him Wrong”, “College Humor”, “Midnight Club”, “Her Bodyguard”, “Big Executive” and “Mama Loves Papa”. With such merchandise to sell and book, it is up to everyone of us to bend backwards in turning in the greatest revenue in our history. ♦ HAIL! “THIS DAY AND ACE H.O. STAFF SEE DeMILLE EPIC. The Little Paramount Theatre in Head Office was crowded to capacity last night when members of the staff witnessed a screening of Cecil B. DeMille’s modern epic, “This Day and Age”. The audience was 100 per cent, enthusiastic on the box-office possibilities of the picture, and voted it one of DeMille’s best. Judith Allen, who makes her first appearance in this picture, and who is right now being groomed for stardom, won many admirers. The other picture on the bill was “Bis Executive”, in which Richard Bennett gives a sensational “Grumpy” performance. In this picture Ricardo Cortez makes a welcome re-appearance with Paramount. EMANUEL COHEN, vice president in charge of Production told newspapermen recently that the Production Department “is more than in satisfactory shape, and he was happy to say that it was not necessary for the company to borrow money from any outside source to complete its 20,000,000 dollar production budget for 1934.” (Continued from Col 1.) Playing opposite Claudette Colbert is the very fascinating Ricardo Cortez. Also in the well-selected cast are David Manners, Lyda Roberti, Baby LeRoy, Florence Roberts, Helen Jerome Eddy and Charlie Crapewin. IF IT S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE-^IT S THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN !