Paramount Punch (1930)

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mamount VoL 7. — No. 48. Nov. 29, 1933. ! •1 ALL SET FOR DECEMBER.? The month of December is just two days away, and at this time every Booker should have lined-up every prospect and possibility for the drive for extra play-dates and revenue. To date I have received quite a bundle of contracts for December, demonstrating that you boys in the field are really standing behind the promises you made just a few weeks ago. However, the showing so far is not good enough. If we are going to beat the Paramount Week and month of September bookings you boys will have to pull your socks up and dig up that extra business that will carry us over the top. Some of our Branches have had steady inquiries for repeats on “A Bedtime Story”. Right here is an opportunity for you to get those extra dates so necessarily needed. “The Sign of the Cross” is a picture that you can sell everywhere. “Midnight Club”, “This Day and Age”, “College Humour”, “Big Executive”, and “Torch Singer” are other smash propositions that will be available for you. You have the merchandise — sell it and make December the biggest month of the year. SKfeif spa 1 1 !J#r w I Isgii I'liblislied evt^ry Wednesday by Paramoiini L’llm Service Ltd.. Mead Office, Sydney, Aiisliaiia, in the interests of the Paramount organisation in .\usiralia. New Zealand and the Far East. Ixeg Kelly — Editor.