Paramount Punch (1930)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. Bookers’ Drive Commences : Progress Percentages in Next Week’s “Punch”. The Bookers’ Drive for December is on! Every member of the Sales Force has pledged to Mr. Hurworth that they will record more bookings for this month than those contracted for in September last. This will be no easy task, because September, with the Paramount Week backing, was one of our ace revenue months. Still, the boys are not used to making idle promises, and they are all backing their pledges with man’s-size bundles of contracts. In connection with this drive, Mr. Hurworth also sent out a call for a special figure in revenue for the first week in December, and from a check-up made yesterday, there is every chance that this figure will be exceeded. Special arrangements have been made for the publication of progress results and percentages in the Bookers’ Drive for the next, and the four following issues of “Punch”. These standing will be compiled from Branch “D” Statements giving the percentage of bookings as compared to the corresponding week in September. Bookers, you are in the spotlight of Paramount attention. Every Paramounteer will be watching your efforts with interest and enthusiasm. It’s up to you. THE “CAST OF A CENTURY” LISTS MANY BRITISHERS. Cli;irlotte Henry as “Alice”. YOU hace already read oj the “Cast of a Century" announced for “Alice in Wonderland”. The dozens of “big" names contained in that list created nothing short of a sensation amongst exhibitors and public ' alike. Interesting to note is the number of British people in the cast: Alison SkipWorth and Alec. B. Francis were born in England; May Robson was born in Melbourne ; Leon Errol was born in Sydney; Ned Sparks first saw the light of day in Canada, and William Austin hails from British Cuiana. CARL BRISSON SIGNED BY PARAMOUNT CARL BRISSON, a Danish film player, who for some time has been enjoying tremendous success in England, both on stage and screen, has been attracted to Hollywood by Paramount. Brisson has been awarded a Paramount contract, and is scheduled to leave London about the middle of January, but, as yet, his first picture has not been selected. Carl Brisson marks the third of recent Paramount assignments to come from England Firstly, Ida Lupino was awarded a contract. then Frances Drake and now Brisson. THERE’S PLENTY OF PUNCH IN THE BLUE RIBBON BUNCH.