Paramount Punch (1932)

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PARAMOUNT PUNCH. ^amniounk PUNCH Published every two weeks on Wednesdays for the Triumph of this New Show World Contest in Australia. New Zealand and the Far East. Contents Strictly Confidential. Reg. Kelly Editor Vol. 4. — No. 25. December 10, 1930 column is usually set aside) the Editor to try to write something humorous. . . but this issue we are using it for the express purpose of telling you not to miss Leon Errol in “Only Saps Work . . . Don't take the title too seriously, because, if we did, we would not be punching this out in the light of thz proverbial midnight oil. . . In “Only Saps Work", Leon Errol is nothing short of a sensation . . . Af embers cf the Blue Ribbon Bunch will be particularly interested in this player, because ho is an Australian ... A Balmain boy who has made good. . . and how! . . . The studio executive has given him pride of place in the billing, above Richard Arlen and Adary Brian. . . Think that out for yourself, Leon Errol gives a performance that stamps him as ono of the best comedians the talking screen has known. . . Although his work in “Paramount on Parade” was good. . . forget about it . . . it is nothing compared to the part he plays in this picture. . . All that We ask is for you to see it. . . and then sell it as one of the comedy sensations of the Greater New Show World, OUR NEW PRODUCT -oOo s.s. Ventura , which arrived in Sydney last week, brought us the first of our new Greater New Show World product. The shipment included ‘Laughter”, Playboy of Paris , 'Torn Sawyer”, “Her Wedding Night and Only Saps Work”. If these pictures are a sample of the rest of the product the future health of Australian box-offices is definitely assured. -oOo such pictures to sell, 1 am sure that the coming few months will witness an abrupt upward trend in the grosses of the theatres throughout the country. There is no doubt that every vestige of business depression will be swept away the minute these powerful attractions are flashed from the marquees of the theatres. -oOo ^T^HBRE are certain combinations of definite entertainment values which are irresistible to the general public. Irrespective of the condition of the times, the weather or any other deterring factor, there are some pictures which they inevitably must see. This has been proved time and again. It is because this rare combination is found in practically every picture of the new product that 1 feel so confident for the future. -oOo T^HIS first shipment comes to us, no doubt, as a Xmas gift from the studios. Let’s put behind these pictures every ounce of energy, showmanship and ability that we possess. Let’s go! Good times are ahead. Paramount First, Last and Always.