Paramount World (May 1958 - July 1962)

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11 PERSONALITIES AND EVENTS IN THE CONTINENTAL SCENE And finally, above ia one more of the windows, with plenty of emphasis on the picture, with display cards along the entire front, and with notices indicating that the film was at the Urban Theatre. is one of these windows, with plenty of prominence given to Mr. Cole.... And here is another radio, TV and music store with one of the musical film's top posters adorning the door. EMINENT VISITORS F^OM TURKEY HOLLYWOOD Paramount Studio played host Becently to Turkey's Minister of Interior, r. Namlk Gedik and his official party. They are shown above in the office of Vice-president Y. Frank Freeman, head of the studio. heading from left: Lt. Robert G.Lyle, U.S. Coastguard, Treasury Escort Officer; Miles G. Ambrose, Ass't to Secretary of Treasury for Law Enforcement: Cemel Goktan, Chief ox Turkish National Police; Mr. Freeman; Dr. Gedik: Mr. Adolph Zukor; Ferit Kubat, Chief of Political Section, Turkish National Police; Major Resat Mater, Personal Aide to Dr. Gedik; and James Mendlin, U.S. Treasury Department Interpreter. AMSTERDAM Gersons. the veiy fine department store nere.gave superlative window cooperation when Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" was released at the famous Tuschinski Theatre. Fine window display cooperation was also forthcoming from Pan American Airways. FRANKFURT — One of a succession of advertising pillars In downtown Frankfurt carrying the message of "The Black Orchid" to flocks of potential picture goers. BERLIN "Tne Ten Commandments" has returned here for another exclusive run, this time at Die Kurbel Theatre. This is its first Berlin engagement since the original opening at the Zoo Palace and move-over to the Atelier am Zoo. Boris Jankolovics, Supervisor for Germany, reports that the front-of-house display at Die Kurbel is the most extensive that this theatre ever has had. Thi3 very successful Berlin run is coincidental with tne ISaster release wave of U2 situations in Germany. ATHENS Mr. Savas Pylarinos, head of Saves Films, distributors of Paramount Pictures in Greece, was recently honored by a visit to his offices from that country's Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Mr. Nicholas Marty. Pictured above are Mr. Marty (seated), then Mr. Pylarinos; Mr. Samaleas, State Principal Legal Adviser; and Mr. Arvanitis, private secretary of the Minister. W j ndows .... ZURICH The advent of "St. Louis Blues" and th« great popularity of Nat 'King' Cole, provided Starfilm Manager Jules Gendre with a perfect opportunity to secure window displays in at least 8 of the city's top music establishments. Shown below PARIS Positively compelling display at the Cinema Wepler for "Tempest." Here action, and the two words of the title, tell an ir’-esistible story and the packed attendances at the theatre bear the story out. ”01ymp i a” This is the tentative title of the Sophia Loren picture to be filmed in Europe beginning in June, by Ponti-Girosi. Co-3tarring with Miss Loren will be John Gavin, and two other important members of the cast will be Maurice Chevalier and Isabel Jeans.