Paramount World (1955)

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I 17 NEW YORK PIX Paramovmt President Balaban's daughter, Judy (Mrs. Jay Kanter) compliments Grace Kelly on her wonderful performances in four Paramount Pictures, Locale of the meeting is the Harwyn Club party mentioned above. In centre is Paramount Exploitation Manager Herb Stein¬ berg, AT I£Ft, Pat Duggaui, Producer of ANYTHING GOES, arrives in New York, this action signalling the compl¬ etion of this important musical which co-stars Bing Crosby, Donald O’Connor, Jeanmaire and Mitzi Gaynor. In Paramount's conference room, Melville Shavelsai and Jack Rose, of Scribe Productions, producers of Bob Hope's THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYS, meet the trade press and announce that Bob's next Paramount picture will be THE KING OF HEARTS, Not so long ago we pictured Alfred Hitchcock cOTiing back to New York after making THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY — and shiwering. But not so when came back from making THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH At a Harwyn Club cocktail party honoring Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, the co-stars of Alfred Hitchcock's fine, furious and frisky Riviera romance, Paramount President Barney Balaban makes an important international point. It is, in the second shot. added to by George Weltner, in Charge of World-wide Sales and Distribu¬ tion, In the final Ed Sullivan camera shot it is shared in hearty quadruple fashion. Not too often seen in pictures is the comedi¬ an's wife, Mrs, Jerry Lewis, Amiably 'separat¬ ing' her from her husb¬ and is Russell Holman, Eastern Manager of the Production Department, A little business mixes with the Pleasure of the cocktail party as iss Kelly learns from Jerome Pickman, at left, and Russell Holman something of the plans for launching TO CATCH A THIEF, World-wide Sales Head George Weltner already knows that this Rivi¬ era Romance is going to be one of the most successful box-office films that Paramount has had in years. For his fine humani¬ tarian work, particular¬ ly in connection with tne fight against Muscu¬ lar Dystrophy, Jerry Lewis receives from Edi¬ tor Jack Tracy the ann¬ ual award of Downbeat Magazine, popular nusicb most popular publication. At International Airport, co-stars Doris Day and James Stewart ar¬ rive from North Africa and London looking cool, calm and collected af¬ ter some hectic scenes connected with the making of Alfred Hitch¬ cock's THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. . . . .But as for Mr, H, — look across the page at left and see how he managed to bring something of Afr¬ ica back with him.