Paramount World (1955)

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17 PARAMOUNT LENS ON THE BRITISH CINEMA SCENE During late November and early Decem¬ ber the crack Paramount team of Managing Director Fred Hatchinson, Assistant Man¬ aging Director RussellW, Hadley ,Jr., and Theatre and Publicity Director Tony Reddin visited all of the Paramount branch offices in England, Scotland, Wales, Eire and Northern Ireland. Objectives: To in¬ troduce Mr. Hadley to exhibitors and the press, and to launch the Royal Film Per¬ formance picture, TO CATCH A THIEF. On this page are some highlights of the tour; other pictures are spread through¬ out the issue. The tour was a complete success GUSGCW Sir Al¬ exander King, at left, one of the freatest fighters or rights in the British film indxistry, is happy to meet up again with his good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchinson, 40 PARAMOUNT YEARS FOR HARRY D.NISBET Here's the entire Paramount staff at Liverpool assembled around Branch Manager Harry D.Nisbet, to whom they have just presented a Waterman writing set in token of his 40 years as Liver¬ pool Branch Manager. Standing, L-R are: Mr.F.C.Gill, Mr H. A. Class, Mrs Brookes, Mr S. Bennett, Miss Beckett, Mr M. Rowley, Mr F. McDow¬ ell, Mr Molloy, Miss Walmsley, Miss Jesse Mr J.McArdle, Miss J, Guy, Mr R, Porter, Mrs Beatty, Miss P. Butler, Miss N.Feilding, Miss F. Hughes, Miss Hill, Miss Adams, R.Mcdona, Miss E. Davies, Mr J. Bxxmell. Seated: Miss M. Baron, Mr Nisbet, Miss G. Young, Mrs Mayers, LEEDS The ladies aire the Lady Mayoress of Leeds, Lady Crcnrsdale, and the Deputy Lady Mayor¬ ess, Mrs, F. Watson, Mr, Hutcrdn' son is at left, Mr, Hadley in centre, and at right is Leeds Paramount Manager H.S. Mar shall, TOP: Mr, and Mrs, Hutchinson, right and left, with the Lord Mayor, Sir James Croysdale, BIRMINGHAM Here Mr, Hutchinson (at right), meets with Exhibit¬ or Bob Oliver, Paramount Branch Manager Derek Wright is at left. LIVERPOOL & MANCHESTER At left, R. H. Godfrey, President, Cinematograph Exhibitors Association and joint managing director of Cheshire County Cinemas, stands between Mr, and Mrs, Hutchinson at the Liverpool meeting. At right, in the Midland Hotel, Manchester* Paramount Branch Manager J.L, Thomley aivl Mr, Hutchinson flank Exhibitor R. Cowan as they discuss TO CATCH A THIEF, GLASGOW At right, Mr, Hutchinson. At left, Par¬ amount Branch Manager J. A, Colville, In centre.Mr, Snd Mrs, J, Hamson, of the Hamson Circuit, Hr, amson was formerly Paramount Manager in Glasgow, 196 YEARS OF PARAMOUNT SERVICE These six LiveiT)ool Paramounteers can claim 196 years of Paramount serv¬ ice between them. Reading from left they are; Mr, S, Bennett ^ Dispatch Manager (23 years). Miss G. Young, Off¬ ice Manager (36). Hr, H, D.Nisbet, Branch Manager (40), Mr. F. C. Gill, Assistant Branch Super^sor (30), Mr, H, Class, Salesman (37), Mr, F, McDow¬ ell, Salesman (30). Photo was taken during the celebrations marking Mr, Nisbet 's 40th year as Branch Manager of the Liverpool territory. DUBLIN Mr, Hutchinson meets the Amican Ambassa¬ dor, Mr, W.H. Taft at a industry rec¬ eption.