Paramount World (1955)

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23 i j ALL AROUND THE WORLD I THE ’SHIP’ TO BRING I THE BOOTY IN IS SHOWMANSHIP SINGAPORE Cathay showmanship, plus the efforts of Paramount (for "Teacher's Pet"), Rediffusion and the organisation of William Jacks, really went all out to select the "Doris Day of Singapore." We picture her on the right of this page, but above we show a small part of the teen-age crowd •thronging the Cathay Theatre for the contest, and for the enjoyment of the Clark Gable— Doris Day comedy, "Teacher's Pet»" Incidentally, the event was compered by Paramount Gen. Mgr. Roy McAree. MARKETS Contents ^Treasure^ ^ Chest t.f WILX.. FRESNO, California 'Treasure Chest' showmanship is a natural for "The Buccaneer." and here is a grand example of it in the lobby of the Fox Wilson Theatre here. SEATTLE. Wash. Paramount Field Representative Walter Hoffman had a 'field day' for "The Buccaneer" when one of those fantastic chances brought to light in this city a girl with the real name of Jean Lafitte, a direct descendant of the central character of the film. From that moment, a wonderful campaign of showmanship enveloped the young lady. And the Paramount Theatre , which was preparing "The Buccaneer," did a whale of a business. SINGAPORE This is Miss Nancy Renjaan, First Prize Winner in the "Who Is the Doris Day of Sing¬ apore?" Contest pictured to the left of this page. THE MOST HEAHTWARMIHfi FILM STORY OF THE YEAH / tW SOPHIA LOREN V CARY GRANT S(‘)0 al RENO, NEVADA This Treasure Chest was not in a theatre, but in the lobby of the Holiday Ho'bol — but the Granada Theatre got a "Buccaneer" credit. Drawings were held in the hotel's lobby during run of the picture. Shown in hoto are, at left, Lee ranko-vicn, general mana¬ ger of the Holiday Hotel, and Val Cage, manager of the Granada Theatre. f "Tempest" . . .A heroic magnitude and quality of enduring great¬ ness is stamped all over "Tempest. ..It moves fluidly and fascinatingly. FILM DAILY ST. LOUIS The veiy showmanship-minded Miss Inger Ste-»ens made the front pages of all papers with this picture, and of course every caption gave full credit to "The Buccaneer." SUPERLATIVE PUBLICITY Pictured here are the cover and Pages 14-15 of the December 17th issue of Woman's Own, of London. This eminent weekly has a circulation of 7,251,000 readers, and on only four or five times a year serializes a motion picture. Thus the tribute to Paramount's "Houseboat" is a high one indeed, especially its designation as "The year's most heart-warming film story." The publicity break occurred only days before the film's highly successful Plaxa premiere. FOR "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" Paramount has prepared specifically for use in connection with local special engage¬ ments of "The Ten Commandments" a new l2-page pressbook that highlights in all of its exten¬ sive campaign material the fact that the Cecil B.DeMiUe production comes to the local thea'tre "intact and uncut." This new pressbook supp¬ lements the giant original pressbook on "The Ten Commandments." Pages in the new showmanship book are de¬ voted to typical ads used by exhibitors to win record grosses in their theatres.