Pauline Frederick : on and off the stage (1940)

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136 Pauline Frederick yelled. She bowed and bowed to them, and threw kisses, bowed again and again and held out her arms as though she would envelope them all. Then they roared, " Speech, speech," and she held up her hand to silence them. Stepping to the front of the stage she said: " You are dears. Now will you be quiet and let me go and finish my dinner? " They were satisfied now. Pauline stepped back again and the curtain was lowered. The hand clapping continued for a while but gradually subsided, and from then until the performance they were all as well behaved as Sundayschool children. The group of fans who had led this tumult were six girls who named themselves her " Pie Crust Six." They had formed what amounts to a fan club and called themselves by this unusual name because one of their favorite films was one in which Pauline was seen making pie crust. They came to see the play over and over again, always viewing it from the gallery, and every time Pauline would receive some gift indicating that they were there. She became intensely curious to know who they were and had the management endeavor to locate them. This the management did and the six girls were invited to come back to the dressing room after the performance. They were terribly excited and a little timid when the moment arrived, but Pauline's warm greeting soon overcame this and in a few moments they were all chattering like magpies. Before Pauline left Melbourne this " Pie Crust Six " presented her with a boomerang on which was a silver plate bearing the inscription, " To Pauline Frederick from her Pie Crust Six." The boomerang symbolized the fact that they hoped she, too, would bound back to Australia. It remained always among her most cherished possessions. Melbourne audiences are always conservative in their taste