The Philadelphia Exhibitor (1935)

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32 Novl5'35 THE PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITOR READY REFERENCE EACH COMPANY LISTED IS AN AUTHORITY IN ITS FIELD AND IS RELIABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY ACCOUNTANT (Theatre Spec.) EDWIN R. HARRIS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Denckla Bldg., Philadelphia Specializing in Theatre Bookkeeping. Profit and Loss Statements and State and Federal Tax Returns for more than 19 years THE SMALL MONTHLY SUM WILL SURPRISE YOU AIR CONDITIONING ARCHITECT DAVID SUPOWITZ Theatre Architect Remodeling anti Rebuilding 246 S. 15th STREET Pennypacker 2291 CARPETS CARPETS for theatres Special designs and colors in dur¬ able grades. Estimates gladly submitted. HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. 1220 Market Street, Philadelphia DRAPERIES The Larger and Greater — NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS INC. INTERIOR DECORATIONS : DRAPERIES SCENERY ! ACCOUSTICAL TREATMENTS : RIGGING 318-320 W. 48th St. New York, N. Y. Warner service men were certainly making strong bids for that one week vacation with pay offer for selling the most tickets for "A Mid summer Night’s Dream," but the boys of the Aldine had even more to think about. Seven of them, Albert Kissellman, John Leach, Darius McDowell, Tom Chambers, William Harrison, Harlan Slattery and Stanley Zebrowski, were slated for usher and door service and all had to be given special training. Bill Hill, Arcadia, Lew Black’s assistant, was making a strong bid on ticket sales. W. R. McClintock, assistant manager, was also making a strong bid. “Art” Cohn, manager, Queen, had a drug store automobile giveaway announced from his stage. Joe DeFiore is back from his western trip. N. V. Nai handled the job O.K. while he was away. Joe found business pretty good in the west. “Morty” Levine, Opera House manager, is making a lot of warm personal friends about the city. G. Earle Finney, Savoy, is mighty glad War¬ ner Bros, have given him a new carpet for the house. Finney is showing a large fly¬ ing attraction banner from bis third floor window. “Art” Cohn, who told me when he first came to town he was having some stomach trouble, must be on the road to recovery. He told me he enjoyed a home cooked spa¬ ghetti dinner with some "red ink" the other night. Cohen had the “goofy” mir¬ ror working in his lobby for the "Rain¬ maker." With "Transatlantic Tunnel,” “Th ree Musketeers," "The Melody Lingers" booked in a row, he ought to be sitting pretty for awhile. Edward Shellback, protegee of Leon Tebbins, is being broken in as an usher at the Queen. Ben Schindler, manager. Avenue, and his assistant, bad a Hallowe’en party for his Young Timers, with Parke Weaver, his assistant. Paul D. Goldblatt was elected president of the Topkis Bros. Co., succeeding Abraham Topkis. Oscar Ginns was elected secre¬ tary. Spied Jimmy Ollwell, genial handy man of the Rialto pushing publicity copy. Roscoe Drissoll, Loew manager, put on a midnight matinee before Armistice holi¬ day. Stanley Company of Wilmington lost its suit against John Anderson, a former con¬ stable, asking for a correction of an order of distribution of the proceeds of a con¬ stable sale. Chief Justice Layton in Superior Court ruled in an opinion he handed down. North East Theatre, North East, Cecil County, Md., was sold recently at the Elkton Court¬ house at an assignee’s sale to John M. Smith, Hance’s Point, Md., and Philadel¬ phia, for $ I 4,800. Joshua Clayton, as¬ signee, sold the property which was owned by J. Albert Roney, North East. — T. C. W. _ FUEL OIL _ NATIONAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO. • FUEL OIL • Sells for Less — Because It Costs Us Less to Sell 4007-9-11 LUDLOW STREET Phone: Bar 4788 — West 1949 INTERIOR DECORATORS Theatrical Decorating OUR SPECIALTY Phone Rlttenhouie 7828 2315 Walnut St. Philadelphia J, SEIDMAN _ : _ : _ : _ D. BRODSKY Paramount Qecorating Qo., |nc. STAGE SETTINGS : DRAPERIES CARPETS : PAINTING AND DECORATING 31 1 North 13th Street Philadelphia, Pa. LIGHTING FIXTURES VOIGT ISEff/ DECORATIVE LIGHTING FOR YOUR IHEATRt DRINKING FOUNTAINS DIRECTION SIGNS I2™£r Montqomery Ave. Phila.Pa, OFFICE EQUIPMENT ADDING MACHINES $22# Backed by a One Year Guarantee zt In « — 50% SAVINGS on MIMEOGRAPHS. MULTIGRAPHS. TYPEWRITERS, ADDRESSOGRAPHS, CHECK WRITERS, KARDEX Business Machinery Co., 909 Walnut St., Phlia. _ PREMIUMS _ -Sweepstakes!” Oifts! Magic Kid haines! All the BUS HITS Come from QUALITY PREMIUM DIST., Inc. 1305 Vine Street Philadelphia, Pa. SAFETY CONTROL MORE IN CONSTANT USE THAN ALL OTHER SAFETY DEVICES COMBINED... Tell Our Advertisers “/ saw it in THE EXHIBITOR”!