Photoplay (Feb - Jun 1921)

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I IO Photoplay M m. \/.im: — Advertising Section GLORIA SWANSON Cecil B. UeMillo Artcraft Player WALLACE REID Paramount Star Hermo "Hair-Lustr" (Keeps the Hair Dressed) For Men, Women and Children The hair will stay dressed after Hermo "HAIRLUSTR" has been applied. No more mussy, untidy looking hair. Adds a charming sheen and luster, insuriim the life and beauty of the hair. Dress it in any of the prevailing styles and it will stay that way. Gives the hair that soft, glossy, well groomed appearance so becoming to the stars of the stage and screen. Guaranteed harmless, greaseless and stainless. 50c and $1 at Your Dealer or Direct If your dealer can't supply you we will send it direct prepaid upon receipt of price. Use it 5 days. If dissatisfied return what la left and your money will be refunded in full. Thousands use it daily. Try it once yon will never be without it. HERMO CO.. 542 E. 63rd St.. Dept. 16, CHICAGO Play the Hawaiian Guitar Just Like the Hawaiians! Our method of teaching is so simple, plain and easy that you begin on a piece with your first lesson. In half an hour you can play it! We have reduced the necessary motions you learn to only four— and you acquire these in a few minutes. Then it is only a matter of prnctice to acquire the weird, fascinating tremolos, staccatos, slurs and other effects which make this instrument so delightful. The Hawaiian Guitar plays any kind of music, both the melody and the accompaniment. Your tuition fee includes a beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, all the necessary picks and steel bar, and 52 completelessons and piecesof music. Special arrangements for lessons if you have your own guitar. Complete information and special price offer sent free on request. FIRST HAWAIIAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Inc. Dept. 136 233 Broadway NEW YORK CITY And Add Profit. Other dealers arc doing it. Kingery's No. 990 Combination Continuous Corn-Popper and PeanutRoast incMachineofifcrssplendid opportunity. Handsome, durable, efficient. Gets quick attention. Creates immediate desire, thus adds extra dimes and nickels to your till. Adds profit to your income. KINGERY Corn Poppers and Peanut Roasters Sixes ami styles for all el.isses of tradeDriiK. Grocery. Cisar, Kruit, Wholesal< and Retail Confectionery, General, Department Stores, and Picture Theaters, Machines to operate by hand, steam or electricity, using gas or gasoline tor fuel, Add Pop-corn and Add Profit. Free book tells how. Write today. Kingery Mfg. Co., Dept. 661. Cincinnati, Ohio STUDY AT HOME Boc n lawyer. Lwnlly trmnr.l men win hik'h poailiona I bik HtieeeHM in hutum hh nnd >li. lifi'. Greater opportu i>r row than avttrbaxon, Bo pendent— boa leader. Law 300 to $10,000 Annually 3y step. Vou can train at homo durimr span time. Wo prepnro you for bar examination tn unv ritato. Money r.-fundeil iieronHng to our GiiiiniMi.'o i;.>ti.i if -ii .iitir.tie-d. Dasraa ofLL. B. .■oniVrrod. Thousands of Niiecc»«fui tttudonbi on rnllf.l. l,ow Coat, «*o..y tiTin.t. Fourteen volumo !,nw Library Era* if fOD enroll now. Gat our vulunble 120 pago "L-iw tjiu.le" nnil "Kvideni-e" bookji free. Send for Uiom-now. LnSallo Extension University, Dopt. 6302-L.ChlcaRO Be a Camera Man LAWHUN PRODUCTIONS U iimUitu: a sotIm of 2-ree] oomedlea in n well equipped Motion Picture Stmlio nnd run aocommodatea bra itndente. l>u> ftnd I v./ninw. Call OK write. Owl. P. S. M'KEE LAWHUN 142 East 2Slh St. Ntar Uthiglon Ave. NEW YORK Questions and Answers (Continued from page 105) Margaret, Mt. Clemens. — I think the favorite food of a hippopotamous is carrots. At least, so I have been told. If that is true, it is the only thing they have in common with rabbits. Marguerite and Ethel Clayton are not sisters; in fact, they are not related at all. Neither are David Wark and Corinne Griffith, Bill and Neal Hart, and Pearl and Leo White. Kitty Gordon is now touring in vaudeville. Brian Strange. — You must have stepped out of a best-seller. Mabel Normand, Blanche Sweet, and Lila Lee are not married or engaged. Helen, Conn. — Pola Negri was popular on the Continent, but she was not internationally celebrated until the success of "Passion," or " Du Barry," in this country. Her other pictures are "Gypsy Blood," a retitled "Carmen," and "Sumurun." "Gypsy Blood" will soon be released in America by First National. I have not been informed as to Miss Negri's matrimonial status. As for nationality, she is Polish. P. L. I., Nantucket. — I know that the Philippine women make beautiful lace from a fibre obtained from pineapple leaves. But outside of that, I don't know the difference between Valenciennes and Louis Quatorze. Conway Tearle was born in 1880; he is married to Adele Rowland. Marie Walcamp is Mrs. Harland Tucker. Clyde Fillmore opposite Ethel Clayton in "Sham" and Wanda Hawley in "The Outside Woman." He is now working with Pauline Frederick in "The Greater Love" at the Robertson-Cole studios, Hollywood, Cal. Doris, California. — Clarine Seymour was to have played Kate in "Way Down East," and was filmed in some of the scenes. Her untimely death caused Mary Hay to be given the part, and the scenes in which Miss Seymour had appeared were retaken. Robert Harron was not in the cast of this picture. Richard Barthelmess played David. Mrs. M. M. B., Red Bank. — George Hackathorne was the traitor in "The Last of the Mohicans." Lillian Leighton in "The Jack-Knife Man." Come again — you don't have to be witty and wise to join the bunch — but I think you would qualify, even at that. Alice, Mass. — Tush — likewise, piffle. I know I am not a Sweet Thing, and you don't make any impression on me at all. Alice Terry was born in 1896 and she is the leading woman in Rex Ingram's "The Four Horsemen." Vincent Coleman declines to tell us his age. MacDonald Fan. — So Wallace doesn't send out any rubber-stamp autographs, but really big pictures, with personal inscriptions. Good boy, Wally — some of your colleagues aren't so kind. MacDonald says he devotes a certain length of time each week to answering his correspondence personally. You say you never received a photograph from Wallace Reid, although you enclosed stamps. Wait a while and then write again. Des Moines Daisy. — Go on! Gaston Glass is a bachelor, aged 25. Gareth Hughes is also unmarried; he was born in 1897. Hughes is in "Sentimental Tommy," the fiction version of which appeared in Photoplay for April. Look it up; it's from James Barrie's two stories, "Sentimental Tommy" and "Tommy and Grizel." I hear Sir James is coming to this country to supervise the filming of his "Peter Pan." The rumor is that Betty Compson will play the part created by Maude Adams and that William deMille will direct. R. A. C, Buenos Aires. — It is unlikely that "Hearts of the World," "My Four Years in Germany," and "The Little American" will be reissued at this time. The latest picture with the Great War as the background is "The Four Horsemen," which you will undoubtedly see before very long. I appreciate your letter with its kind wishes, and will always be more than glad to hear from you. I am not, however, a young lady. I am not a lady at all. Edith Mary, Marshalltown, I a. — Life's best aim is to teach us how to think. Harry and "Snub" Pollard are one and the same comedian. Norma is the oldest and Natalie the youngest Talmadge sister Mae Marsh made several pictures for Robertson-Cole, I he first called, "The Little 'Fraid Lady." Now I hear that she is to have her own company. She is Mrs. Louis Lee Arms in real life and the mother of a little girl. She wrote a book called "Screen Acting." {Catherine, Greenville, Miss. — "Carmen" with Geraldine Farrar was not Actionized in this magazine. Miss Farrar has not made a photoplay since "The Riddle: Woman," but she has been having her usual success at the Metropolitan in the opera season. "Zaza" is one of her newer operatic roles which has proved very popular. She is famous for her "Madame Butterfly," her "Carmen," her "Thais.'' "M.inon." and "Tosc.i." She is Mrs. Lou Teilegen. Every lulrcrtlsrnu-nt In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaiaulcctl. Iona, El Paso. — I like some girls with bobbed hair but others don't look so attractive. Personally, I am inclined to the opinion that you will be able to get work in pictures just as easily with long hair as with short, if not sooner — but then that isn't promising anything. Zasu Pitts is married to Tom Gallery, who is opposite Viola Dana in "Home Stuff." Enid Markey in "Tarzan." I believe Ruby LaFayette, who was born in 18-14, is the oldest motion picture actress who appears constantly before the camera. At any rate, she is one of the finest. E. R. S., Goshen. — -You may have a brilliant future before you — but the question is, are you swift enough to overtake it? Finish school first — iyou boys and girls must get tired of hearing the Old Answer Man tell you that. But honestly, you should have a foundation and a background before you try to conquer the world — especially the film world.) Here's the cast of "The Shepherd of the Hills," from Harold Bell Wright's story: Sammy Lane. . . .Catherine Curtis; Young Matt. . . .George McDaniel; Old Matt Don Bailey; The Shepherd ... .H. G. Lonsdale; Wash Gibbs . . . .Bert Sprotte; Jim Lane. . . . Lon Poff; Little Pete....C. Edwin Raynor; Maggie . . . . Ardita Mellomina; Howard. .. .Louis Barclay; Aunt Molly. . . .Elizabeth Rhodes; Stewart. . . .George Hackathorne; Doctor ... .William Devaul; Uncle Ike....]. Edwin Brown. M. W., Alexandria. — Lon Chaney has certainly suffered some in the name of art. His legs were strapped back during the making of "The Penalty'* and the straps had to be removed every ten minutes because of the extreme pain. Chaney made "Outside the Law" with Priscilla Dean and "The Night Rose" for Goldwyn.