Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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I 20 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate 3Scts. per word. FORMS FOR APRIL ISSUE CLOSE FEBRUARY TENTH AGENTS AND SALESMAN S6O-M00 a \\i:i;k. genuine goi.d letters for store windows. Easily applied. Free samples. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., ■i:;i;-.\ North Chirk. ChleuKO. VVB STAHT YOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR. SOAPS, Extracts, rerfumes. Toilet Goods. Experience uuDecessary. Cirrrirrllon Co.. Dept, 'J"*.. St. Louis. WIS STAHT YOV IN BUSINESS, PUKNISHINQ every thing; men and women. $30.00 to $100.00 weekly. Operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. opportunity lifetime; valuable hooUlet free. \V. illllyer ltagsilirle. Drawer 00, East Orange, New Jersey. MAKE $25 TO $50 WEEK BEPRESENTING Clows' Famous riillailclphla llosiery, direct from mill — for men, women, cliildren. Every pair guaranteed. Trices that win. Free Bonk, "How to Start." tells the story. George Clows Company, Desk S4. Philadelphia, Ta. AC ENTS SELL WOLVERINE LAUNDRY SOAP. Won h-rful repeater anil good prollt maker. Fl ee auto to ll istlers. Wolverine Soap Co., Dept. B-36, Grand Itrrpi Is. .Mich. $12 DAILY EASY. INTRODUCING LADIES' ANU .nen's sweaters in silk, wool and artificial silk. 23 colors. Latest novelties. Going like wildfire. You siniiily show samples we furnish; take orders. We di liver and collect. Your pay daily. Mac-O-Chec Mills Company. Form I0S2, Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OIK BIG VALUE 2 piece summer puits $21.50 and famous virgin wool suits for $31.50 — none higher. $50 to $100 a week and more earned by hundreds of men. We teach you. Write J. 11. Simp ion. Dept. 7 IS. 813 Adams. Chicago. AGENTS— $15 DAILY EASY— YOFR PAY IN ADvanco introducing New Insured llosiery. Must wear or replaced free. No capital or experience required, just slrow samples, write orders. Elegant outfit furnished. All colors, grades including silks. Mac-OChee Mills Company, Room 2112. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS— 200 7» PROFIT, WONDERFUL LITTLE article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry in pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, Manager. 17711 American Building. Cincinnati. Ohio. PATENTS PATENTS. WRITE FOR FREE GUIDE BOOK and Evidence of Conception Blank. Send model or sketch for opinion of its patentable nature. Highest References. Prompt Attentioir. Reasonable Terms. Victor .1. Evans ft Co.. 703 Ninth. Washington. P. C. INVENTORS DESIRING TO SECURE PATENTS should wide for our book, "How To Get Your Patent." Senil model or sketch of Invention for free opinion of patentable nature. Randolph & Co., Dept. 462, Washington, D. C. INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. PATENTED OR unpatented. Write Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 1S7, St. Louis, Mo. POEMS-VERSES $500.00 PRIZE CONTEST. IF YOU WRITE THE best fourth verse of our song "Empty Arms," you will receive $500.00. Send your name and we shall send you free tire contest rules and words of tills song. World Corp., 245 W. 47th St., Dept. 751B, New Y. rk. A {500.00 CASH PRIZE IS best second verse written for Those wishing to compete may rules by addressing Equitable stale Theatre, N. Y. OFFERED FOR THE the song "Remember." receive a free copy with Music Coi-poration, 466 ENTERTAINMENTS PLAYS. MUSICAL COMEDIES AND REVUES. minstrel music, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs, dlalogj, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog free. T. S. Dcirison & Co.. 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 7fi I'h ion go. ' HELP WANTED BE A DETECTIVE; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY; good pav: travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 307 Westover Ulilg.. Kansas City. Mo. DETECTIVES EARN BIG MONEY. EXCELLENT opportunity. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, American Detective System, 196S Broadway, New York. ALL MEN, WOMEN. BOYS. GIRLS. 17 TO 65. wining 10 accept Government Positions. $117-$250, traveling or stationary, write Mr. O/.imnt, 265, St. Tunis, Mo.. Immediately. EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME. AT HOME. addressing, mailing, music, circulars. Send 10c for mush-. Information, American Music Co., 165S Broad wny. Kept. V-3. N. Y. S6-LS A DOZEN DECORATING PILLOW TOPS AT Homo. Experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Palm Co., 131, LaGrange. Ind. HELP WANTED DETECTIVES NEEDED EVERYWHERE; CITIES. towns.< salaries. Write National Headquarters, l-t East 71'tli. New York. $100 TO $250 MONTH. MEN— WOMEN, 1^ 1 P wanted. 1'. s. Government itcady positions. Short hours. Pleasant work. Paid vacation. List positions free. Franklin Institute, Dipt. F-133. Ko< V. V. EARN MONEY AT HOME DURING SPARE TIME painting lamp shades, pillow tops for us. No canvassing. Easy and interesting work. Ex;>erienee unnecfcssary. Nlleart Company, 2^20, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. WOMEN TO SEW. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door: plain sewing; steady work. No canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices i>ald. Universal Company, Dept. 21, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED— GIRLS— WOMEN. !« Gown Making. Sample lessons fie dlately. Franklin Institute, Dept. N. Y. UP. LEARN Write iramc -507, Rochester. PHOTOPLAY TEXT BOOKS "HOW TO WRITE A PHOTOPLAY.'* BY C. G. Winkopp, Tribune Building. New Y'ork. 50 cents. Contains model scenario, "Where to Sell." "How to HuiH Plots," "Where to get Plots." BIG MONEY WRITING PHOTOPLAYS, STORIES, noems. Send for free copy America's greatest magazine for writers. Tells you how to write and sell. Writer's Digest, Bl] Butler BMg.. Cincinnati, Old" OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SWITCHES MADE FROM COMBINGS. THE NEW way. Write for style booklet. Mrs. E. Vandervoort. l)aveni>ort. Iowa. FREE SAMPLE FACE POWDER WITH $1.00 I'.OTtle Skin Bleach. Mine, Blanch, 319 Second St., Little Falls, N. V. OLD COINS AND STAMPS STAMPS, 50 VARIETIES. AFRICA. BRAZIL. Peru, Cuba, e'c. lilc; 50 different U. S. 25c; l.OnO mixed. 40c; 1,000 hinges, 15c. List free. C. Stegnian, 5944 Cote Brilliantc, St. Louis. Mo. OLD MONEY WANTED. WE PAID $2,500 FOR one silver dollar to Mr. Manning of Albany. N. Y. We buy all rare coins and pay highest cash premiums. Send 4c for large Coin Circular. May mean much profit to you. NUMISMATIC BANK, Dept. 75. Fort Worth. Texas. PERSONAL ARE YOU BASHFUL? SELF-CONSCIOUS? SEND dime for particulars how to overcome these troubles. X. Veritas, 1400 Broadway, New Y'ork. STAMPING NAMES MAKE $PL."0 per 100 stamping names on key checks. Send 25c tor sample and particulars. R. Kcytag Co., Cohocs, N. Y. MANUSCRIPTS— TYPING "PHOTOPLAY AND SHORT STORY WRITING." Free book of valuable information on above subject. Typewriter Service Co., 920 Grand Ave., Des Moines, ta. STORIES, POEMS, CRITICISED. TYPED Pl'Blislied. 249 S. Mairr. Mansfield, Ohio. AUTHORS" MANUSCRIPTS TYl'ED. CORRECTED, spirial rates. Frances Murphy, Monroe. Indiana. BOOKS THIRTY THRILLING TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES. A new book "In the Shadows." by Detective Nick Harris. Including "Bluebeard" Watson ami Father Heslin murders, Wltherell kidnaping, trunk bandit. Jimmy the Rat and Queen of Sale Crackers stories. proving "Why Crime Doesn't Pay." Send $2.00 today, 900 Panta'res BIdg.. Ixis Angeles. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FREE INSTRUCTIVE BOOK— START LITTLE mail order business anywhere; home employment evenings; beginner's working outfit furnished: 500 circulars, samples, things to sell; yen deal direct with manufacturers; no stock to cany; Instructive booklet free. Pier. 555 Cortland St., New York. MISCELLANEOUS Yol'R HANDWRITING ANALYZED. SEND INK sample of handwriting with 25c for demonstrative analysis giving dominant characteristics revealed to oxperl graphologist. Graphology studios, suite sis-a. 41 Easl 12nd Street, New Y'ork. LAME PEOPLE THE [DEAL EXTENSION SHOE FOB ANY PERBOU with one short limb. It COStS less. No more unsightly cork soles, irons, etc.. needed. Won »irh ready-made shoes. Shipped on trial. write for booklet. Robt. B. Elsinger, 976 Lexington Ave.. \. Y. C. Learn Cartoonin g At Homo — In Your Spare Time from the school th&t bos trained so many successful cartoonists of today earning from S50 to $200 and more a week. The London Ploture Chart Mot hod of tench In.' makes orlglna drawing oirsy to learn. Send tic Irr Btninpsfor full Informal lonnndohnrt ^r to test your abl II ty. A Iso state age THE LANDON SCHOOL 1407 National BIdg.. Clovolnnd, O Develops Bust Like Magic! Dnrins th<* punt IB yean thouaamlii ihavo ii, 1.1, .1 to Uxor captivating glory of womunhooii by iminir CROWDINA for bast, neck or arm development (Irrat Discovery of Farinian beauty *\»rt. Il«rn>lr-.-.. MET, HttttD rr-mlM rcanpUUMd quickly. Manrrleiei t. nplaii ..f aflcluier, Oonflduiual or,.,.f id IHcratnro inralr.ll on request.. Write DOW, Mile. Sophie Koppel, Suit* gto, 503 riflh Ave., New York QMZHPMS Bv Note or Ear. With or without music. Short Course Adult beginners taught by mall No toucher required Sol f-I net ruction Oooree for Advanced Pianists. Learn •;~ ..* .. i „ . .. r u.. . iiiii c, ...,.,.,,.1.1,1 I.' tt . .. -i ._ IJIii.i H or.n.Mi v word.,. Waterman Piano School 247 Suportoa Thoatr* BIdg Lo* An(*lt>. Calif. BECOME A PROFESSIONAL ^H| PHOTOGRAPHER EARNING J35TOSI?5AWEEK Three to six months course. Motion Picture, Commercial, Portraiture. Practical instruction. Modern equipment. \-1; for Cntnlof? No. 37. N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOGRAPHY NEW YORK CHICAGO BROOKLYN 111W. 80th st. 830 s. Wabash Ave. 505 state st. Ke-~el and Baumann were ready to plungeCharles O. Baumann went to the west coast to -ce the new director launched in his work. Ince's first X. Y. M. P. effort was a one reeler entitk-1 "The New Cook." Tradition says it was a hit. En route to a mountain location near Santa Monica canyon. Ince discovered that the Miller Brothers' 101 Ranch show was wintering in the vicinity. He remarked with a director's yearning that it would be a grand thing to have that show to play with in the pictures. Baumann seemed to like the notion. He did some negotiating and then wired Adam Kessel: "Can get 101 Ranch show for the winter at $2. ioo a week, what do you think?"' Kessel thought it over and answered in good race track fashion: "Take a chance." The reader accustomed to the billion dollar publicity barrage laid down by the press agents of the screen of today can scarcely realize what a speculation this two thousand dollar a week project was in that day. It was without parallel or precedent. It was an epochal beginning. The art of the motion picture was about to enter upon its astonishing career of spectacle building. Baumann signed the ior Ranch show for the season. Xo one could have been more amazed, delighted and perplexed than one Thomas H. Ince. He had grown accustomed to the ordinary problems and methods of the director of the day and was probably vastly more competent than most of them. But this, this matter of operating a wild west show in conjunction with a motion picture company, was something else again. That first morning when Ince saw the Miller Brothers 101 Ranch show strung out on the road, an imposing caravan which seemed to reach clear into infinity, he bethought himself of the cost — twenty-one hundred dollars a week ! " This," he remarked abruptly to his cameraman, "had better be pretty good." Up to this juncture Ince had no scenario for the utilization of the big wild west show. However, he started shooting scenes and the story was born then and there, under lire. It became a two reel picture entitled "Across the Plains." Baumann wired Kessel in excitement and enthusiasm: "Got everything, a hundred and fifty horses, fifty-two Indians." Baumann started east with the two reeler under his arm. A TWO reel picture in ion was sensational. Split reels with two or three subjects were common and a one reel picture was the accepted standard production of the day. Xow the X. Y. M. P. product was going to the exchanges through the Motion Picture 1 Jistributing & Sales Company, at the standard price of ten cents per loot. This placed a very definite limit on the earning power of a picture. There was a demand for about thirty-live to thirty-eight prints of the X. V. M. P. subjects. At ten cents a foot this meant a loss on these expensive Ince two reelers with the ioi Ranch show in them at Sj.iooa week. There were some sleepless nights for Kessel and Baumann. They decided that they would have to take the radical and unprecedented step of raising the price. Ten cents a foot had become an established fact, something akin to Holy Writ in the one track, narrow gauge mind of the trade. baumann and Kessel issued a circular to the buying exchanges, customers of the Sales company group, to the effect that the price on the two reelers of the Bison brand would be twelve cents a foot. TTiis is significant. Here and now for the first time the factor of quality production came into the American producing field to introduce Brers advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.