Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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The Goodyear Welt boots worn by Mr. Novarro are instantly identified as shoes of quality by the Diamond Brand (Visible) Past Color Eyelets. Their genuine celluloid topi never lose their color. They promote easy lacing, retain their original finish indefinitely, and actually outwear the shoes. Idol of the Screen ! £|£frlONE among the newer stars of the photoplay firmament ^k*J711 na« «n nuirHv nr «r» «nr<>lv u/r»n a nlarv» in rnp hpai-fc nf £ra has so quickly or so surely won a place in the hearts of men and women as Ramon Novarro, actor, swordsman extraordinary, lover par excellence, and well-dressed beyond compare. Mr. Novarro has achieved his present popularity by consistently distinguished work. Not only subtleties of character, but every detail in the costuming of his roles has had the painstaking care which only the finished artist bestows. "Off stage" Mr. Novarro is no less fastidious in his selection of the details of his wardrobe. He insists that his footwear invariably be finished with visible eyelets, the mark of excellence in quality and workmanship. oAsk for shoes with risible eyelets UNITED FAST COLOR EYELET COMPANY Manufacturers of DIAMOND BRAND (VISIBLE; FAST COLOR EYELETS