Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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Rex lull ram's sketch of A lexa ndreeeo . a Roumanian actress from the French stage, who plays the part of one of tht dancers in " The Arab" Editor's Note: Disguised as a wandering sketch artist for Photc play, Mr. Ingram and his company invaded Tunis to make "The Arab." Here are some of his pencil im' pressions vtArA', Do you know what an Ouled-Nail is.' Nothing more nor less than a Saharan vampire. An intensive </ol<I-<Iigger who spares neither her charms nor herself in securing money from stranger men for a marriage dowry. The Oulcd-Xail is famed for her dancing An impassion of Ramon Novarro in tne title role of "The Aral)," in which he has an opportunity to display that subtle ami impertinent humor that won him stardom in his first role — that of Rupert in " The Prisoner of Zemin " .4 Marabout or holy man — ''sits " for Mr. Ingram. He is a member of a religious nobility who are highly regarded by the Arabs, and their sanctity descends to their chilli r c n a n d th( i T children's children A Moroccan chieftain icho has a p\ iin id charactt r part. Writes Air. Ingram to V 11 OTO !' 1. A V : " The A robs on natural actors. They hare a traditional poise that prevents any sclf-cnnse/mis 11CSS Crcu before the camera " 57