Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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This will help You Make One Tins is the fifth of a series of articles for Photoplay readers on Home Furnishing & Decoration It requires money to build a great many oi the film settings that you sec, lmt we arc taxing their basic elements and translating them, in an economical waj , to your needs and adaption. This month's article shows \ ou how to build charming dressing tables in your own home. The following articles, on home decoration, have been published in Photopi i\ Magazine: "What Can He Done With Cretonne" appeared in the December, 19231 issue; "The Firelight's Soft, Warm Radiance" was published in January, 1924; "A Modern Living Room in the Italian Spirit," in February ; "A Modern Colonial Room " in Man h. It you have missed these interesting articles, we will be glad to mad you, at 10c each, copies of them. Address your request to Home Furnishing Editor, Photoplay, 750 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. ' 1 1 iffi 1 Hi ri is an attractive table in which inexpensive chintz may be used. It is dainty in appearance, "ml yet striking Utilizing a wide space between two windows largest piece of furniture, it occupies the largest wall space. The dresser or chifforobe comes next. The dresser and the vanity are placed with reference to light and service to the user. Such details as the boudoir desk, the comfortable slipper chair, etc., all depend upon the size of the room. It is not our intention to go closely into the decoration of a bedroom in this article. We are planning this for some later issue. But we want to talk about that most important unit of service and decoration in any bedroom, be it large or small, the dressing table. No matter what your color scheme, no matter what shape or size the table is, no matter how beautiful and charming the rest of your room, — the central beauty should be in the dressing table. Not only should it be [ continued on page 112 ] This is the dressing table used by Pola Negri in her picture, "The Cheat,1' with Pola herself before the mirror 65