Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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PHOTOPl \\ MaGAZINI ADVERTISING Si i HON 7.? When the nails are groomed and brilliant your hands are free from embarrassment THE COMPLETE MANICURE Send 12c for Introductory Set Cutex Liquid Polish is the last step of the famous Cutex manicure. First you must shape the nails. For this Cutex has fine emery boards. Then to soften the cuticle and remove all the dead skin you need Cutex Cuticle Remover and a Cutex orange stick. Then for the brilliance that makes the nails wholly lovely Cutex Liquid Polish or the new Powder Polish. Between manicures keep the nails smooth and healthy with a littleCuticleCream (Comfort ' Send the coupon below with !2cforthe special Introductory Set containing trial sizes ot all these things. If you live in Canada address Dept. Q-4, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, Canada. It keeps its even brilliance for days and days THE fastidious grooming of the nails demands that they be always gleaming with a lovely brilliance. So Cutex has prepared a wonderful liquid polish that meets every requirement of the most particular woman. With it your nails look for days and days as if they had just come from the daintiest manicure. Its glistening lustre brings out the full beauty of the soft smooth cuticle and the carefully shaped nail long aftermost polishes have begun to dim or look spotty. Cutex Liquid Polish spreads over the nail smoothly and evenly. It is never gummy, so it flows easily and cannot leave brush marks and little thick places. It is easy to put on, too, because the little brush holds just enough polish for one nail. And it dries instantly. Almost before a second nailisdone, the first is so dry you cannot mar the surface. It is tinted the fashionable new rose color that brings out all the pink of the skin under the nail. This careful perfection of detail gives a polish that is unsurpassed. A smooth, firm brilliance, a rosy glisten that is bewitching. And until you are ready for a fresh manicure Cutex Liquid Polish keeps its lustre. Water will not dim it — it never cracks or peels or comes off at the edges. Needs no separate polish remover Thefinal convenience of this marvelous polish is that it does not need to be removed by a separate polish remover that often roughens the skin and makes the nails brittle. To remove the old polish all you have to do is to put a little fresh polish on the nail and wipe it off while it is wet. Every trace of the old comes off, leaving the nail smooth and clean. Cutex Liquid Polish comes in a smart little bottle with the soft brush attached to the cork. It is 35c at drug and department stores in the United States and Canada. Or ask for the complete Cutex Manicure Sets. Sets are 60c, $1.00, $150 and $3.00. MAIL THIS COUPON WITH 12c TODAY Cutex n Jhuid Polisfh Northam Warren, Dept. Q-4 1 14 West 17th Street, New York I enclose 12c in stamps or coin for new Introductory Set including a trial size of the new Cutex Liquid Polish. Na Str (or P. O. box) City State_ When you write to advtrti>.T<: please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.