Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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io6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section What can add so distinctive a style touch to the gown — whatever the occasion— as the soft rich shimmer of a lovely Whiting 8C Davis Mesh Bag? As useful as it is captivatingly beautiful. A charming gift. $5 to $500. WHTTIMn flS OAVTC: CC\ Plainville (Norfolk County). Mass. WHllilNlj OC L^AVlCJ WJ. In Canada, Sherbrooke, Que. Whiting $2>avi§ JUsk Sags In the Better Grades Made of the Famous Whiting "Soldered" Mesh Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura Sonp, Ointment, Talcum,26c. everywhere. For samples address: Ontlcura Laboratoriti, Dept.D, Maiden, Mass. BARE WALLS DEPRESS [a lie yours cheerful with pi etc.. hung In the Modem my with Moore Push-Pin Glass Heads — Steel Points Moore Push-less Hangers 'The Hanger with the Twist" To Hang up Heavy Things IUC pKlS. i„ Canada ir,o. fMOOKE PUSH-PIN CO., Philadelphia, Pa SEND NO MONEY PAY NO "yES — Girls, it finally arrived. The moel beautiful nnd convenient article In the con met ic family* A dainty sold plated five-lo-one compact) that actually baa a little drawer that you can ■ ipi u mi! (hut. When jrou open the drawer, here you have it alt. Powder, Powder Puff, Mirror, i lp Stick ami Kouk»' \ ou can eoslli tuck >t away iit your luuid bas or small pocket. It inconvenient to c.wry. Words I UWOl de icrlbe this wonderful article so we are making the following offer: We will send one «>i these compacts to you ibsolu ! .1 Vftei vim na> a rw eli ed ll and are satisfied "end us 52. -is ii not return n and that ends It ait. lent thai Fab enough? A limited supply. 50 orda at once. UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO.^ Jefienon Bids. Dept. Z-t Philadelphia. Pa. ^v' And, besides, things had changed since the days when Harlan and Gertie had a little three room bungalow, in the rear. A bandbox of a bungalow where Gertie with her bright and shining hair pinned well on top of her head and her pretty, plump little figure enveloped in a large blue apron, used to cook wonderful Sunday morning breakfasts of waffles and sausages and scrambled eggs for a lot of hungry, homeless waifs. Then, Cleveland Brown had almost envied Harlan. But— it didn't last. •"THE big, stately, over-decorated house in *■ Beverly Hills wasn't at all the same and it had much less to offer. Cleveland had gone there to dinner a few times. He didn't like to go. Harlan had changed so. To be perfectly frank about it, Harlan had the swelled head so badly he was obnoxious. And Cleveland Brown had felt an uncomfortable wave of pity for Gertie Morrison. Once or twice he would have liked very much to punch Harlan's fat head for him. Not that Gertie said anything. She petted and pampered Harlan, and laughed off the things he did and the things he said, and kept a gay front to the world. So gay that sometimes Cleveland thought he had imagined the haunted look in the big eyes and the tightly drawn lips. All those servants and the limousines and the fine house, couldn't bring the happiness to Gertie's face that used to shine there when Harlan kissed her before them all and said: "Isn't she wonderful? " She loved him. That was why she didn't wince, why she slaved to please and to attract him. And Cleveland wondered sometimes if love must always die, or only live to make you miserable. When the news came that Gertie Morrison had been granted a divorce in Reno, Cleveland felt as though someone very near to him had died. Harlan — going his way, making seventeen kinds of an idiot of himself, so that any decent man was ashamed of him. And Gertie — he wondered what she was doing with a life that had been wholly Harlan, that for ten years had held no thought, no work, no joy. except the reflection of his. A fine ending. Still, perhaps the good years had been worth it. He broke into Leda's reverie with the little story. "It hurt me awfully to see them split." he said. "They were my friends in the old days." His nice brown eyes, as they met hers, were tilled with a real sorrow. He had rumpled his hair. too. so that it stood on end and gave him a bewildered appearance, like a small boy who has lost his mother in the crowd. Leda O'Xcil. half Italian and half Irish, responded swiftly to that emotion. She could not bear that look. She hated to see things hurt or worried. Instantly, she put out her arms to him. " Never mind, dear," she said, "we'll show them. We'll get married ourselves and show them how this thing should be done." He looked deeply into her eyes. They were sparkling with sudden animation. As a matter of fact, she was thinking that it might be rather fun to run away and be married, l.eda O'Xcil loved the sensational. The elopement of Cleveland Brown and Leda O'Xcil would give the world something to talk about. "Then, you'll many me, really and truly? "ReaDy and truly. Cleveland Brown was so happy that he whistled. , ,,,,.. The days weren't long enough to hold his joy. They had told nobody of their plans as yet It was something they wanted to hold secretly and sacredly a little while. If people and press were speculating a good deal about Cleveland Brown and his love tangles in these days, they would have to speculate a while longer. They d know soon enough. He was in that rapturous state when lie could think of nothing and nobodv for loiv;. Faery advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.