Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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io8 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Eleanor Boardman, beautiful star of the screen, says; // is a pleasure to congratulate you on the charming Day Dream odor — a fragrance nelcomea by alt who appreciate choicest toilet requisttca. Send 3 5c and your dealer's name for this Acquaintance Box, containing Perfume, Powder, Cold Cream, Poudre Creme and Soap, five of the Day Dream Boudoir Creations. Address Dept. H. STEARNS— PERFUMER Creator of Sadira and 1'Amusette Detroit, Mich. Windsor, Ont. Sydney, Australia Established 1855 rcc Mlchl|ia A»e. it lOlh St., Dept 31.CHICAG0, ILL Note— To Art ind Enr.r.ivinr. Firms: Secure oriel! cil irlljli inoi[ our irieSuitis. Write us. FRIENDLY ADVICE From Carolyn ^an Wyck We TeacH^H COMMERCIAL^ ART Meyer Both Company, the largest Commercial Art Organization in the World, offers you an unusual opportunity for practical training, based upon twenty-three years of success. This nationally known organization each year produces and sells to advertisers over 15,000 commercial drawings. Meyer Both instruction is the difference between successful fact and experimental theory. This well paid profession equally open to men and women. Home study instruction. Get Facts Before You Enroll in Any School Ask the Advertising Manager of the leading newspapers in your citv, anywhere in the United States. Canada. England or Australia about the Meyer Both Company— let them tell you about us. Write for our illustrated book elling about the success of our students for one-half the cost of mailing — four cents in stamps. MEYER BOTH COMPANY Department of Art Instruction AND then comes the question — "Which -*»-color is the most becoming to my type of beauty?" And — "Will I look my best in light tints, or should I go in for the darker, more intense shades?" And — "With dark eyes — or blue eyes — or grey eyes or green eyes — should I wear such and such a color? " It is hard to tell, by mail, just which colors will be most becoming to the individual. I am always glad to give what information I can — but rules may only be general, and every rule has its exception. The average brunette can better wear the vivid shades, the warm, throbbing colors, than a blonde. And yet there are blondes who are charming in reds and oranges and flames. In the same way — a blonde usually looks her best in the pastel tints, or in black. And yet I have seen many a brunette who was dazzling in orchid, or flesh or pale yellow. Some auburn-haired women can wear many colors. I have seen the right shade of red hair gleam beautifully against certain shades of pink and mauve and even a deep glowing crimson. But there are some red-haired women who cannot even wear blue. There are some women with auburn hair who must needs stay close to three decidedly safe colors for every woman with auburn hair — green, dark brown and black. Then, too, though this may sound far fetched, weight should be taken into consideration. A woman or girl, who is inclined to be plump, should wear the darker colors. For dark colors have a tendency to make one seem slimmer. Just as striped fabrics make the lines of the body seem more slender. And, on the other hand, when a girl is thin: Then it is that she should wear white, and the tints that color the frail flowers of spring. They will tend to fill out the hollows, to lighten the shadows. It is a good plan, before buying the material for a frock, to take a sample of the material home. Hold this sample close to your face as you stand before your mirror. Notice by daylight, and by artificial light, too. whether the color brings out the best shades in your eyes, your hair — whether it lends a bloom to your skin. Then, if you are satisfied with the effect, buy the material. If you arc not satisfied you will have saved yourself the cost of an unbecoming frock. Anil, while speaking of color — never buy the material for an evening frock by daylight. Never try to match two colors for a party dress unless you do it under the brilliance of electricity. For, if you do, you are apt to make a surprising error. And you are quite likely to be dissatisfied with the finished product. Color is important. It is the most important item in any woman':, clothes problem. But the woman must use a certain amount of her own judgment and good taste — and must not rely, entirely, upon set rules! L. C. C, Westfield, N. J. I do not doubt that you need a tonic for oily hair. There are several splendid tonics for this purpose on the market. Perhaps an occasional dry shampoo, given, if possible, by an expert hairdresser, would help. Orris root is fine for such a shampoo, and so is corn meal. Shyness — when you are past the days of young girlhood — is indeed trying and embarrassing. There are courses of study that may be taken to overcome this very thing — did you know that? It often helps to talk, or read, to yourself in front of a mirror. That lessens self-consciousness. Hoxor. Mabshaixtown, Iowa. You are tall, and so you must not expect to be too light in weight. I should say that your correct weight should be between one hundred and forty-five and one hundred and fifty pounds. With hazel eyes, a dark complexion and reddish brown hair, you will look charming in some colors — and not at all well in others. I should not like you in orange, yellow, olive, or reds and pinks. But in shades of green, brown, orchid. dark blue, heather mixtures, periwinkle, grey and black, you will be lovely. If you have little color wear a touch of rouge brunette. A. CTG., St. Loos, Mb. You can wear nearly even color, you fortunate little lady! The very light hair gives you the perquisites of a blonde, and your brown eyes make brunette shades becoming. How lucky you are! You will look your best in orchid, in dark brown and in black. Yes, you should weigh about ten poundmore, at the very least. One hundred and two pounds is a very small weight for a girl who is five feet, three inches tall. Mary. Brooklyn, N. Y. It is. of course, very hard to face a separation from the man that you love. Especially SHORT -STORY WRITING I A pmet.oi*. forty-lostnon count* In thi* writing om! mnrkrtintf of (h, Short S< it v tnu,;ht l»j Dr. J. Horn Eaonwoin. JfcM.tor ofThQ W. rltffl ' ■ Monthly. ISO paor eataloo frtf , ftVaw addrtsa; THE HOME CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL cnwoln Dept. 95 Springfield, Mass. Let Carolyn Van Wyck be your confidante She will also be your friend /"». /ROl.YX I'.iX ff'YCK is a society matron, well known in New York's smartest (_, and "lost exclusive inner circle. She is still young enough fully to appreciate the problems of the girl — she is experienced enough to give sound at/vice to those in need of it; he they flappers, business women, or wires and mothers. She invites your confidences — she will respect them — on any subject. Clothes, charm and beauty, love, marriage, the dreams and hopes that come to every one, the heartbreaks and the victories — who has not wished to talk them over with some woman who would be tolerant and just, sympa'hetic and filled with human understanding? Here is the opportunity to do so. — The Editor Every Mherttsemenl In PHOTOPLAY MAOAZTXE la guaranteed.