Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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Photopi \y M\(.\/i\i Advertising Se< no? when the parting will be for two years. Bui if I * i — business demands he.go abroad i"i that time, and ii responsibilities at home make it impossible for you to go with him, there seems nothing to do but make the best of an unfortunate situation. If you arc willing io pend your life with him, you can certainly trust him for two years. If the affection that you beat toward each other is real, if it i^ linn h to build marriage upon, two years will strengthen it, rather than anything else. lurse it i not a pleasant matter to face — lint look u|H>n the blight side. Home affairs may work out, in some way, so that you will It able to join your fiance in a year, or less ;i year. And think of the joys of a honeymoon in a foreign land I pUoaous Daughter, Chicago, III. And so you are worried because your mother i too young looking — because she insists upon u>ing powder and rouge and because she tints her slightly grey hair? My dear, you should In glad that your mother wants to seem young, and to look lovely! You should be glad that she take- such an interest in her appearance. 1 wish that all mother- did their utmost to seem well dressed and attractive and youthful. t be a little prig, like the daughter in "Only 38." Accept your mother as a comrade rather than as a lavender-scented relic of a faded yesterday. Babs, Hotel Traymore, An antic City, X. J. You should certainly reduce strenuously — you are pounds overweight. You are right in your methods of exercise, hut how about diet? The amount of food isn't so important as the kind of food. If you will do without starches, fat and >ugars — in all forms — you will notice a real difference very quickly. If possible, wear your bobbed hair straight. If your forehead is fairly high you will look well with a bang. If your forehead is low, however, a bang will make your face seem more plump. You should wear straight line frocks, with slightly long waist-lines, and long >kirts. Short skirts will make you seem stouter. With medium brown hair, brown > yes, and an olive skin you can wear all shades of brown and blue, and the least yellowish of the greens. You will look well in flesh, orange, rose and crimson, in grey (never taupe, however) and in black. Do not wear w-hite — it will make your weight seem more. In fact, the darker colors will make you appear much more slender. "Browx Eyes," Syracuse, X. Y. your eyes, though a pretty shade of brown, have neither sparkle nor expression? Well, my dear, you may be able to make them I tighter by accentuating the lashes by the careful use of a cosmetic. And bathing them, twice daily, with boric acid, will also help. Hut expression must come from somewhere in back of the eyes — from the soul or the mind that is the important part of expres:-ion! Perhaps if you cultivate kindness and tolerance, if you broaden your mind by reading and a knowledge of current events, you may rind that expression will creep into your eyes. C, Waterloo, Iowa. You will look your best in the warmer shades. Browns, reds, rose color, old gold, tangerine, yellow and rust. You will also be able to wear any of the pastel tints and, if you have good color, the new greens will be becoming to you. Brown hair and brown eyes is such a charming combination — and it's so easy to plan an attractive color scheme, with brunette shades as a background. Your hair w ill look prettier, I am sure, if you will use a tonic for oihhair. The troublesome skin will be prettier, far, if you will use upon it a complexion clay. Woodbury's facial soap is also splendid. Probably the trouble will clear up, as you grow older. The large hips may be reduced by exercise, and by the wearing of a rubber hip confiner. With your skin in a bad condition be careful to useonly the best powder and rouge. And never apply it without first u-ing a vanishing cream. RIDE Skyland°lfails Glacier NATIONAL PARK Open June 15 to September 15 Go out to Glacier National Park this summer and know the joy of playing atop the Rockies. This is a land of fun in the open — keen, healthful enjo/ment every minute. Do as you please when you please. If you do not care to ride horseback, tour over splendid "skyways" in comfortable motor busses — or hike. Modern hotels and rustic chalet camps insure restful comfort and good meals. All expense tours of one to seven days or longer if desired. Visit pacific Northwest Through trains from Chicago and Kansas City via Burlington Route — Great Northern Railway (Main line) to Glacier Park, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. En route to The Pacific Northwest, Alaska or California, visit Lake Chelan, Ranier and Crater Lake National Parks. For freeinformation or booklets apply any ticket or tourist agent or offices Great Northern Railuay 226 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Longacre Bldg., NewYork, N.Y. 708 Empire Building 516 Railway Exchange Pittsburgh, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. A. J. DICKINSON, Passenger Traffic Manager St. Paul, Minn. Low Fares via GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Route of the Oriental Limited See America FIRST When you write in advertisers please mention ntOTOPI.AT MAGAZINE