Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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Photoplay Magazini Advertising Se< noN i i i and pull of his sex attraction on the screen They liko him, find him a pleasant enough, though not overly-brilliant young person, but as far .1-. 1 >.m di cover, not one of them has ever fallen in love with him. Yet ever) oneol them will admit he stirs them on the -* reen. A GIRL who played opposite bin ua production told me that she got much more of a thrill out of seeing theii love scenes on the screen than she did out of playing them. Women love romance in men. Romance ithe well-spring of every woman' heart. Poetry nil them with inexpressible rapture, especially the poetry of love. I'hus they swing from the most earthbound of all sensations passion to the highest flight of the mortal Boul, in the ly i ic quality of springt imc romanc e. Ramon NTovarroisa most perfect exampleoi this, but it is Richard Barthelmess' chief charm, too. Every woman love to visualize • as the heroine of a groat romance, as httra, a .Wciry of Scotland, as Dorothy Vernon. The man who can play Opposite her. the man of delicacy and romance, i always successful with women. Antonio Moreno has all the appeal of the wooer beneath milady balcony, strumming upon his guitar ardent sonnets to her eyebrows. Then, women love experience in men. Women are the slaves of surroundings, of meetings, of suggestion, of atmosphere, of wellhandled events, of perfumes and shaded light-. of distant music. A woman i educated in life by the man -he love-. She feel her own inexperience. She ha nothing hut her instinct, her emotion. It gives her the greatest pleasure to find man an adept in the art of love. She doesn't care to trust herself in the hands of an amateur— she fears she will lo-e half the sensation-. Innocence— with few exceptions — is the last thing in the world women desire to find in men. . All sorts of commonplace things can be made delightful if only one understands the art of concealing them, surrounding them with dangers and death and di-a-ter. \\ omen love danger. They like to walk upon the edge of the precipice.' They like men with whom they never feel quite safe — men who will protect them from everything but themselves. Every woman loves the cold man — if the ice hide lire. There is no gamble so great as trifling with a hidden volcano. A woman is fascinated by the silent, strong man who presents a surface of granite, but who is consumed within by fires of passion. There is no moment in a woman's life more delicious or more satisfying than when such a man suddenly loses his head and takes her in his arms, as he says: " ( iod knows I never meant to tell you, but I'm onlv human, and I love you." Bill Hart has had as much adoration from women as almost any man on the screen, and that is the answer. Also, when women do love a homely man, they positively worship him. Women love strength and they love weakness. The strong man, the man of great physical beauty and superb physical strength, always has and always will attract women. Espe'ciallv if he doesn't talk too much. Just as pretty women, beautiful women, will always attract men, just as men will always be willing to flirt with pretty women, so fine-looking men of a certain tvpe will always make a woman's heart beat faster. Reginald Denny is the perfect type. And we haven't gotten away from the fine, upstanding, typical American, with his courtesy and his chivalry' for women, and his bravery and daring, and his adoration of womankind. He is the ideal lover to many women still. Thomas Meighan and Richard DLx uphold their honor still upon the screen. Then women love men for their deeds. Men who can do things exceptionally well — whether it is kick a football or play the piano — are always thrilling to women. Athletic heroes will always have their place in the sun of woman's favor. Douglas Fairbanks is a favorite with women not so much because his personality is the type that stirs them, but because they The Great Foe of all teeth is that film HERE is something all should know and that children should be taught. Teeth are coated with a film — that viscous film you feel. It clings tenaciously, and no ordinary tooth paste effectively combats it. That film is the teeth's great enemy, the cause of most tooth troubles. It soon becomes discolored, then forms dingy coats. Then teeth become clouded and are constantly unclean. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of other serious troubles, local and internal. Ways to combat it Tooth troubles were constantly increasing. Very few escaped. So dental science sought for film combatants. After long research, two were found. One disintegrates the film at all stages of formation. One removes it without harmful scouring. Able authorities have proved these methods by many careful tests. A newtype tooth paste has been Protect the Enamel Pepsodent disintegrates the film, then removes it with an agent far softer than enamel. Never use a film combatant which contains harsh grit. created to apply them daily. The name is Pepsodent. Leading dentists everywhere advise this method. Now millions of careful people of some 50 nations employ it every day. Also acidity effects Certain people, it was found, are notably immune to tooth troubles. The reason was traced to the eating of much acid fruit. So Pepsodent embodies this principle of mild acidity. Every use multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, which is there to neutralize mouth acids. It multiplies the starch digestant in saliva, which is there to digest starch deposits on teeth. These combined results are bringing millions a new dental era. This test will tell Pepsodent proves itself, and quickly. Send the coupon for a tenday tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth become whiter as the film-coats disappear. You will know in a week why everyone should use this method daily. Then tell the facts to those you teach. Cut out coupon now. ^^^ «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ PAT. OFF A REG. U.S. kBMUMMnBWniHHB The New-Day Dentifrice The scientific tooth paste now advised by leading dentists the world over. CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW 1 0 -DAY TUBE 1417 1 FREE THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. 804, 1104 B. Wabasn Ave., Chicago, ill. Mail 10-day tube of Pepsodent to 'Only one tube to a family. When yuu write to advertisers please mention PIIOTOI'LAY MAGAZINE.